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Siva has a less questionable bad time in Nuime
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Siva glances back at this, makes a mildly inscrutable facial expression, and then goes back to kissing Seofar.


This is a good thing for her to be doing.


Yes, yes it is.

"It's a pity I didn't have any healing water on me, when I vanished," she muses between kisses. "After what she did to me I could use some bleeding from normal wounds, as a palate cleanser..."


"I could find another healer, but I don't know of one offhand..."


"Pain magic can do healing," she says thoughtfully. "I have some experience with it. We'd have to be careful, though, it's slow and I'm not very good at anything other than straightforward repairs, it's not like with the healing water where I can take a swig and go from death's door to perfect health in seconds..."


"I like the sound of this healing water." He kisses her again.


"It's incredibly convenient. And the reason I wear dresses with pockets that can conveniently hold my soul, so that I can carry bottles of the stuff around. But it would be uncomfortable to sleep like that, so sadly my pockets were empty." Kiss.



"Well." He glances at the remains of her dress. "I'm a little sorry I ruined it, then."


Shrug. "The dresses come from magic wardrobes in the castle, it's no big loss." Kiss.


"But you don't have a magic wardrobe here," kiss, "so you'll have a harder time finding pockets conveniently big enough for your soul."


Kiss. "Everyone else seems to," kiss, "wear theirs openly," kiss, "should I not?" kiss.


"It takes time to get it set so you can wear it - the jeweler can't touch it, see - and yours will be harder than most, it's big for a soul that shape."


Kiss. "I'm not sure I want it set in something. I was thinking more, like, wrapped in wire that I could take it out of when I wanted to fiddle with it. I expect to want to fiddle with it." Kiss.


Shrug. "It'll still take time." Kiss. "Do you have a soulname yet?"


Kiss. "No." Kiss. "Explain the custom?"


He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm sure you'd be better off asking someone else, but all right... Soulnames represent something about your soul. What it looks like, what it does, who you are. You pick one when you become a soulbearer, and then it's a title that can supersede all other titles - Tekhesin Seofar, Dekha-fanshel Esarkan. People only call me Prince when they want to insult me by reminding me I don't technically rule anything by right."


"...I dunno which language I wanna pick mine in."


He laughs. "Well, do you know what you want it to mean?"




...he giggles.

He has Serik's giggle.



"So what's Nuimena for delightful?"


"Nentiane." Kiss. "Which you certainly are."


"Nentiane. It's pretty. I like it," she decides, and kisses him again.


Mmm, kisses. This is a good activity.

"At some point we should go tell Kelora we're getting the fuck out of here," he observes idly after a minute. "But no rush."


"...Yeah, although I really should let her know I'm okay. She's probably--not worried, exactly, but..."

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