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in which Carissa is kidnapped by an entire universe
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That's a lot more than she wanted to give away to a random stranger, though. Possibly she can just disappear with her spellsilver and be more vigilant in the next city. 


Are Summoned Heroes the people dragged here by the Tea God. Why does the tea god have to keep summoning more people here? Golarion solves its own problems with just its native population and it goes a lot better than this!!!!


Summoned Hero companions are immortal or at least outrageously long lived. Are summoned heroes? 



Why didn't Tea God explain any of this. 


....for now she'll follow along, still mindreading.



It will unfortunately take longer than 6 minutes to get to the shop Almys is heading for.  Before the Detect Thoughts run out, at least the following facts will have scrolled through Almys's mind:

- The Summoned Hero seems kind of adorably naive - if that's not a product of deeply streetwise cynicism trained on some utterly different universe, but Almys is mainly betting on 'adorably naive' - and that is absolutely going to get her killed, which is a problem because then the rest of the planet goes down with her.

- A lot of people would be on the Summoned Hero's side, and maybe 7% of the population will want to enslave her and 2% will want to kill her, and there is absolutely no way Almys knows to tell the difference in advance.  This is a legendarily difficult problem faced by a lot of Summoned Heroes when they arrive.

- Almys has absolutely no idea what to do about the giant sea of flame consuming the planet, which started around five years ago and whose origins are a secret classified somewhere well above her own upper-D-ranked self.  Hopefully the Summoned Hero can sort it all out; and if not, well, guess everyone on the planet Kekaro goes wherever the next step down is from Kekaro on the ladder of Hero Summonings (as is the best guess anybody actually has for what happens to people when they die).

- Hero's Companions often do really well for themselves, better than Heroes not that uncommonly, and Almys absolutely wants herself some of that.  Almys would cheerfully kill almost anybody, including her own parents and excepting the Summoned Hero, who got in her way about that.  Step one is going to be to pose as an altruistic kindly-hearted helpful person who would absolutely make a great Hero's Companion.






To make any decisions here, Carissa is going to need more information. She can decide to get it from this person because this person is the first person to have guessed that she's the latest Tea God drop, or she can decide to convince this person she's a fraud instead, or kill this person, and get it from a person selected by a process that is not that. 

This person seems.....fine? Like she'll kill Carissa for her own benefit but also like she thinks it's pretty unlikely killing Carissa would be for her own benefit. 


Probably she should attempt to be far more selective than that, but on the other hand - 7% of the population will want to enslave her and 2% will want to kill her sounds low. 

And she doesn't know how long she has before the fire swallows up the planet.

Probably not that long, actually, if it started five years ago and has swallowed a third. 



Why would someone be under the impression that being altruistic and kindly-hearted is the best way to become a Hero's Companion????? Who in the universe goes around going "I hope my adventuring companions are altruistic and kindly-hearted?" Maybe a previous Tea God drop just went in really hard on Lawful Good, either for real or in propaganda, and everyone decided that's how the Tea God selects people or something. 


She continues to follow, blinking wide-eyed at things that her persona to date would blink wide-eyed at.


- Also Almys is considering getting herself turned into a boy in case that works better for seducing the Summoned Hero.  She could always tell the Summoned Hero it was her preferred gender to start with and the girl self was a pseudonym-persona.  Seems worth checking what the Summoned Hero's sexual orientation actually is before doing that, though.


Summoned Heroes sure do have a reputation here and Carissa isn't sure she's impressed with it. 






If she goes to the place Almys is taking her, other people will know. Right now they don't. Probably she should make her decision now, when that means only needing to kill/fool one person, in a location that one person didn't pick. 




Noticing this doesn't seem to actually help with making the decision, somehow. 


Okay, killing her is probably out. This person probably has more competence with a weapon than Carissa and murder attracts attention. She doesn't have any poison, she doesn't have any allies, she needs to solve her information leaks in a murder-free fashion for now. 

So the best way to reduce suspicion is to clearly be running a scam. Can she run a convincing scam? She's genuinely not sure. She could flee with the spellsilver - is that a convincing scam? No, because no one local would go to these lengths to get spellsilver in the first place! And she doesn't know what their tracking magic is, and it's not like it won't occur to a reasonably smart and competent person that an uncooperative Summoned Hero, or even an uncooperative person suspected of being the Summoned Hero... is still potentially very valuable....


Which leaves one option.





"I prefer girls," she says, conversationally, with thirty seconds before Detect Thoughts runs out. "Though if you want to grow a dick, or tentacles, or claws, or whatever's locally considered most appealing I'll endeavor to take it in the right spirit."



You can read minds, Almys thinks.  Ha ha.  How funny.  Silly me for thinking I could ever get one up on the Summoned Hero.

She's terrified now, and invoking her Social Skills not to show it, for all the stupid good that will do her.  It's suddenly a lot more - real, personal - that these are the people who, in one age or another, as they individually took offense at one thing or another, killed off all of Kekaro's gods.


Is there a convenient alleyway or something nearby where if Carissa cast a Rope Trick it would not immediately be observed by all of the passersby.



She takes her Hero's Companion's hand, and walks into the alleyway, and casts a Rope Trick. 

Very calmly. They can't both be terrified, that'd just be embarrassing.


And she lets go of the woman's hand and climbs on up without looking back. If the woman wants to flee in terror that's very reasonable but disqualifying for help-Carissa-with-this-stupid-planet duties.


If Almys has an option of fleeing in terror, or deciding mentally to do that, without being immediately killed by the Summoned Hero's unknown magic, this fact is not particularly known to Almys!  She will obediently climb up after into the dark misty space of the Rope Trick.

Almys is not really trying to hide her terror all that much any more, there's no point; but she's keeping her composure lest she annoy the Summoned Hero.


Carissa would smile warmly at Almys but she doesn't actually know how that works and if she tried it'd probably just look scarier. 

"I'm new here," she says pleasantly. "Can you tell me a little bit about how this planet works?"


Almys assumes a concentrating look.  Possibly she is trying to think her answer back.


Which would just be good operational security except Carissa specifically timed this for when the spell was about to run out. "Aloud," she says. "I can only do that for so many stretches in a day, and might need to check other people today."


Obviously the Summoned Hero could be lying about that, to see if Almys will try lying.

"The planet we're on is Kekaro, second planet from its sun Ke, said to have been spawned by the System 16,122 years ago..."


The world of Kekaro has a cycle.  Every now and then a problem appears too great for the people of Kekaro, or Kekaro's gods when Kekaro still had gods, to handle alone; and the System sends them a Hero...

The first time it really became apparent that this was going to be a problem (say the eldest of dragons who learned it of their grandparents, and the last survivors among the first of elves) was when a Summoned Hero grew powerful enough to challenge the chief of all gods.

That Summoned Hero did challenge the god-chief, whose now-irrelevant name is recorded to have been Jehovah; and slay Him; and seize from Him His wife, the most beautiful of all goddesses, called Shelyn.  And before that Summoned Hero vanished to wherever overly-powerful Summoned Heroes go, he did burn Shelyn in pyre as his last act in Kekaro, to the weeping and fury of the gods who remained.

It was not, the legends say, an act of spite.  It was just that this Summoned Hero was from a far and alien place, with a far and alien upbringing.  To him it was honor: that the strongest man must have the most beautiful woman, and that she must have no other weaker man after him.  That is just how Summoned Heroes are - not that they are all exactly that way, but that they are all different.


"....why didn't your gods strike him down before it got to that point?"


"I wasn't there and don't have books in front of me, but - the impression I get is that the gods didn't realize, at the time, that Summoned Heroes could get powerful enough to challenge the chief of gods and win."

"Afterwards, it's said, and I believe it because it seems obvious, the next thing the gods tried, was striking Summoned Heroes down after they did their work, and before they could kill any more gods."

"It didn't go well for Them."





"Did you - before the gods all died - have afterlives, here?"




"Our gods run the places where mortal souls go when their bodies die."

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