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portals to the 16th century are kind of a big deal
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"He has a jewel shard! Under his right shoulder!"


Princess Tsuyu, faced with just what her husband turned out to be, will understandably if not very goal-achievingly faint into Nobunaga's arms.


"Huh," says Inuyasha, "for a shard-wielding demon he's not much."


"Don't underestimate him! This is the Toad of Tsukumo, a formidable foe!"


"Won't be pretty soon!"


And the toad will respond by exhaling a giant cloud of poisonous gas over Inuyasha and Kagome.


Seriously? Again? She needs to pick up a gas mask or something, the next time she goes to the future. 

For the moment she's going to not inhale and fall back far enough to get out of the cloud, even though this puts her behind Nobunaga and the princess.


And Inuyasha will cough quite a lot, leaving him briefly incapacitated while - 


The demon toad stares at his beloved bride and blushes. "Hello, my little dewdrop..."


Nobunaga is also coughing, and he has one arm occupied by holding the fainted princess, but he is absolutely not going to let these things keep him from brandishing his sword with his other hand. 

"Back, monster!"


"Little human fool," the toad croaks, and spits its bullet-tongue out straight through Nobunaga's shoulder.


- and Nobunaga yells and crumples to the floor. 


And he'll grab the still unconscious Princess Tsuyu and run off!


Well that went great. 

Inuyasha's been down for a mildly surprising number of seconds. She kneels over Nobunaga (who is a normal human person with no super healing abilities, and he looks badly hurt) and rifles through her backpack for bandages, but it's Inuyasha she calls out to.

"Inuyasha! Are you okay?"



Inuyasha got it full in the face and has been coughing his lungs out, but not too badly to reply!

"That - slimy -" cough - "- toad -" cough "- is DEAD!"


Probably a positive attitude under the circumstances. She feels awful letting the toad get away, but she doesn't know what to do about him and does know what to do about Nobunaga bleeding out in front of her, so she forces herself to focus on the latter. Bandaging the wound shut comes more naturally than she would have expected, really, after bandaging herself up earlier this week, although the risk of infection from an injury made with somebody's tongue must be awful -


Nobunaga forces himself to try standing up. "Please, leave me! Save the princess!"


That's very sweet, and she's going to overrule it and hold him down until she's done taping this wound shut. "Hold still. You can't save the woman you love with your arm halfway off."


"The - how did you know?"


"It's not subtle."


"All right," says Inuyasha, standing up, "let's go make this asshole croak."

Is anyone going to stop him before he rushes off at demonic speed to carry out his threats, in an approximately straight line regardless of what the walls think of it?


No, she actually feels pretty good about someone handling the princess thing. She's almost done taping Nobunaga together. "Go ahead, we'll catch up!"


Wall down, wall down, wall down, where is the toad - 


He is inside a giant room full of translucent, hovering egg sacs. Most of them contain women, or vaguely feminine, semi-humanoid beings whose legs (or, in some cases, entire bodies) have fused into a wispy tail that look like they were probably once women. 

"Too late..."

Princess Tsuyu still looks like herself, but by this point she's in one of the egg sacs, too.


"Heh. Well, that answers that question."

He cracks his knuckles. "Don't think it matters. Any last words?"

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