more silvers and salmons in Galatea
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Yeah, that thing is too fucking huge. If they got in, Felix wouldn't be surprised to find himself in Oz or something.


Around around around! is stupidly huge. Why is it so big.

...why is there another one just as big over there. Are they going to go between them. Is that what they're going to have to do. Why this.


Yeah, that is their life now. Going between Dorothy-grade tornadoes.


Temperance knows this is terribly dangerous, but it's kind of exciting too.



Between them they go—

—and a bolt of lightning goes straight at them from nowhere.


The ward holds, but the world turns very bright for a moment.


Beyond that is a mess of lightning and hurricanes they have no possible hope of completely evading. Every now and then a lightning bolt is aimed directly at them again.


"Okay, I was sort of... assuming it was just a coincidence, but the thing is totally aiming at us. Urgh, who even built this thing."

As an afterthought she gives them all magical sunglasses.


They help some.

But not a lot.

The winds keep pushing and pulling them, the torrential rain slams against their wards, the lightning still tries to fry them—

—and there's a fleck of magic over there—


Which Temperance loudly announces. She tries moving closer to that direction.


Yep that sure is a wisp of magic! Or a tendril, to be more specific.


Temperance is mentally rubbing her hands and mentally laughing.

"Let's follow the magic tendril and if we find more we see what happens when we drain one? Or maybe just the tip of one?"


"Yeah! If it's connected to something—I'm now betting it's an artefact, this isn't diffuse enough to be a spell."


"Any chance of a backslash if it doesn't like being poked?"


"Not really, that's not how magic here works, it can't really—notice it's being poked."


"Ah, true. Well, onward my fair ladies."


Onward! The storm doesn't really get any worse past that point, it's pretty much reached Peak Impossible Storm already and just keeps being aggressively that at them. The tendril of magic is very long, and even though they're flying at a significant fraction of the speed of sound they're still being careful and slow enough that the next few hours don't see changes in the scenery. The only way they have to tell they're really moving is the magic.


And after those few hours?


...still nothing. More hours ahead of them.


Well, at least Temperance is going to get most of her daily dose of magic staring.


—another wisp—


She isn't being selfish or greedy or anything, but Temperance does drain that wisp as soon she gets enough of a hold...


It is soon replaced!


Nice. Temperance announces this.


"Yeah I saw. Not that unexpected, though, if it is an artefact—then this tendril is probably just feeding and shaping the storm."

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