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He can! He'd have a harder time not finding one, really! Big glass domed ceiling, in the position where in his Absalom Iomedae's temple is (and the glass has been replaced with stone and metal.)


Huh. Did Iomedae have a different temple before Aroden died? Is that building still somewhere in the Ascendant Court? He sees why she wanted this one, though, as long as it's vacant anyway.  He likes it better with the skylight. 

He also has no idea when Arodenites hold religious services. What seems to be going on around here? 


There are classes (not free, they couldn't afford that), daytime for children and after sundown for adults. There's a very expansive library for which he could easily afford a membership fee, or bring a character reference to get it waived. There's a theatre, and an arrangement for loan of magical enhancement items, and a sprawling plaza that serves the good wine and is full of wizards drunk on it. 


It's still early for the adult lessons, and drunk wizards are probably the same everywhere. He'll check out the library. 



There are no libraries this comprehensive, in Golarion in Elie's day. Nefreti Clepati has a nice one, but she's herself about the same age as the calamity that accompanied Aroden's death, and libraries take time as well as riches. This one has been here for more than four thousand years, and Aroden Himself made sure it was well-stocked before He ascended, and the shelves are laid heavily with preservation-magic and the walkways between them with Silence. 


It must've been looted, or maybe flooded, when Aroden's church collapsed.


He had a plan. He's supposed to be learning about the Church of Aroden so he doesn't fuck up in front of the paladins. He should be looking for holy books, or, since he knows Aroden's holy books to include prolific excurses on everything from magical theory to civil engineering, holy primers for moderately intelligent children. It was a good plan and he's going to stick to it and he's absolutely not going to get sidetracked and – 

– wait, Aroden stocked this place himself? Is there an Azlanti section? 


Yep! - well, all of the books directly from Azlant drowned with it, but there's everything Aroden recreated from magically-augmented memory, in those first desperate sunless centuries. On the right, fourth floor, in the back.


If Alfirin wants him back she's going to have to scrape him off the walls. 


One of Aroden's top priorities, after the destruction of Azlant, was making sure its magical knowledge wasn't lost to the world. It's generally believed (in this era) that the practice of wizardry might well not have survived the Age of Darkness, otherwise; ritual magic was completely impossible, with the networks of casters that made it feasible destroyed, and rune magic relied on infrastructure that'd been utterly wrecked, and there'd been vanishingly few survivors of Azlant even among those who needn't have been relying on the existence of the physical continent. (It's generally believed that the effects of the impact and the god-interventions to slow it wreaked havoc on the Astral and Ethereal planes as well.)

So, for the survivors where Aroden began his project of rebuilding, the only source of knowledge of magic was Aroden, and he was prolific. There are hundreds of books attributed to him, and hundreds of copies of each in this library. Aroden meant this knowledge to be shared. 


I'm heading back to the Crusade now, is there anything you desperately need that I might not have thought of that I should grab for you in Absalom while I'm here?


In the first place: he wants to see Azlant. It hadn't occurred to him before that the sort of magic he knows – the kind practiced by solitary mages, hoarding their spells like dragons – was an artifact of a broken world. Of course Azlanti magic would take the form of great mutual workings, scaffolds built by hundreds and thousands of architects, how could it be otherwise? He's seen ritual magic in Tian Xia, but it was a smaller, more fragile sort of thing – but he can see what it should have been – there, and there – 

In the second place: Azlant was destroyed because of Prophecy. The gods saw that they were aspiring to greater heights, and they were frightened. Nefreti Clepati says so, at least, and she should know. 

In the third place: he doesn't want Aroden to die. 

I'm – in Absalom. I need some time. Nothing else right now. 


...I'm going to tell the crusade that you're working on secret things, unless you've already contradicted that.


I haven't.


Maybe we'll find another way.


And she'll teleport back to the Crusade and she and Curiosity can help out wherever they're needed for the next hour or two.




Apparently when Élie said he needed "some time" he did not mean "another half hour" nor even "another hour" nor any other time less than the amount remaining on their telepathic bond. Alfirin can teleport to Absalom, disguise herself as a young man who might be employed as a page, and ask at the library (Of course it's the library) for "Master Cotonnet, about yea tall, brown eyes, accent like this, Missus Cotonnet thinks he might have forgotten the time and he's going to miss his dinner appointment, see?"


Fourth floor, working his way towards the front. (He's a fast reader. He has a spell for that.)


"Sir. You are running late for dinner."


"Oh," he says, and plane shifts. 


...Leave the building, find an alley, become herself again, and plane shift.


"If you needed more more time in the library you could have said. Is everything alright?"


"It's all gone," he explains. "In my time. Maybe destroyed, maybe looted, I don't know. I didn't know it was ever there. That temple is Iomedae's now." 


"Oh - I thought - It's been there since the founding of Absalom - is Absalom still there - ?"


"Absalom is fine. I mean – I'm sure it got knocked about a bit, but it's still standing, still full of wizards, still can't govern itself coherently – I assume that's the same in your day – 

I suppose I really ought to humble myself more often. You know, you go through life thinking you're going to vanquish Evil and ignorance and render subtle magics simple enough for small children to cast and generally laying the foundations for a great civilization, and things of that nature – and then you remember what happened the last time someone tried." 


"Mm. You have to get rid of some of the more troublesome gods first," she says, the very picture of humility.


"Do you think they said that in Azlant?"


"I'm sure some of them did, but -


Well, maybe there was another great civilization before Azlant. But I think it was not as obvious, to them, how much opposition there would be to some kinds of progress, until they ran into it and died. And I don't think they knew that prophecy could break."

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