Edit History (Oldest to Newest)
Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
upwards, not northwards
a flatlander learns about parallel transport

It's an evening like any other, the fog slowly growing darker as A Peg arrives back home from a lecture, looking to grab a book and unwind in bed.

For the most part, A Peg is not a very spiritual person, his interest in three dimensions beginning and ending in the abstract. He's read Flatland before but mostly dismissed it as the ramblings of a madman, a very forward-thinking one in terms of mathematics, but a madman nonetheless, assuming it isn't a full fabrication. Instead, his idiosyncracies take on a very different flavor: he spends his time pondering square roots of negative numbers and power series.

Anton Peg's world is about to get an extra dimension.


Version: 2
Fields Changed Content
upwards, not northwards
a flatlander learns about parallel transport

It's an evening like any other, the fog slowly growing darker as A Peg arrives back home from a lecture, looking to grab a book and unwind in bed.

For the most part, A Peg is not a very spiritual person, his interest in three dimensions beginning and ending in the abstract. He's read Flatland before but mostly dismissed it as the ramblings of a madman, a very forward-thinking one in terms of mathematics, but a madman nonetheless, assuming it isn't a full fabrication. Instead, his idiosyncracies take on a very different flavor: he spends his time pondering square roots of negative numbers and power series.

A Peg's world is about to get an extra dimension.


Version: 3
Fields Changed Content
upwards, not northwards
a flatlander learns about parallel transport

Tonight's New Year's Eve, and not just any New Year's Eve, it's 2999 and soon to be 3000 in a few hours. The whole city is celebrating, the streets crowded and noisy. For A Peg though, it's like any other night, the fog slowly growing darker as A Peg lays in bed, unwinding with a mystery novel.

For the most part, A Peg is not a very spiritual person, his interest in three dimensions begins and ends in the abstract. He's read Flatland before but mostly dismissed it as the ramblings of a madman, a very forward-thinking one in terms of mathematics, but a madman nonetheless, assuming it isn't a full fabrication. Instead, his idiosyncracies take on a very different flavor: he spends his time pondering square roots of negative numbers and power series.

A Peg's world is about to get an extra dimension.