knight commander korva meets knight commander iomedae
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"Sounds good. Do you have any plans for how, or is that something we should be coming up with a way to do."


"I do not possess a strategy better than Mercifully beating it unconscious and taking it to the dungeons without expending resources I'd rather save for an emergency. I can probably mercifully beat one unconscious as soon as I see one, unless I am underestimating the strength of these creatures." Marit prefers to assume he can't win fights, rather than assume he can win one, but nothing he's seen so far at the Worldwound poses a particular danger to a prepared fifth-circle swordmage.


"You can probably do it, although of course it depends on the type of demon you run into. I'm - tempted to say that you should have backup anyway, since they often run in packs. We're admittedly expecting much weaker groups of people to field these things, right now, but - I don't like sending people out alone, I guess, if anything goes wrong."


"If it's all right with you, I'll take Tanat with me, as she knows my capabilities already and won't gossip about them, and the rest of our team will be summons. I agree it is almost never a good idea to adventure alone no matter how powerful one is, and we have an unusual amount to lose by my death or capture right now."


"All right, then, take Tanat. Good luck."


There's a strange woman paying him a visit. She claims to be a friend of Allandra's, and while he's never heard of Allandra, Marit confirms via sending that she is who he is guessing she is and that a friend of Allandra's was planning to meet with Cansellarion today. This woman does not look very much like an archmage, (apart from the mind blank) but that's exactly how he would expect an archmage traveling incognito to look.

This will be easiest if he can confirm she's Chaotic Good. He smiles at her. "Can you remove your mind blank so that - "




Sigh. "Will you step into an antimagic field briefly?"



"Is it inside a forbiddance? I do not believe myself to be Lawful Good."


"It's not, it's in the dungeon and we often can't take prisoners into a forbiddance… You don't know?"


"Aura sight doesn't work if you look in a mirror. I'll step into an antimagic field in your dungeons if you promise it's not a ploy to try to imprison me."


"It's not."



"...I swear this is not a ploy to try to imprison you. Are you this difficult with Allandra?"


"I've known her thirty years. I haven't even known you thirty minutes. Lead the way."





"So now that you've confirmed that I'm not literally a fiend, what can I do for you? I expect you have a list of spells that would be useful, I'm not promising anything on this trip besides what I've got spare at the end of the day."


"Can you do a permanent demiplane? Lastwall has one in Vigil, it would be useful as a more secure meeting place and eventually storage and mustering ground…"


"Not right now, probably not in the next few days. It takes most of a day and spells that I don't expect to have spare. And a bit more than half a pound of diamond dust, if you want it permanent. If you can get the diamond dust and any spellpower-enhancing items I can borrow I can come back here if I have the spells. And a building plan for any structures you want, though I can also add those on later if you don't have a plan yet. You've got about an acre to work with if you want it flat, less if you want any real height to it."


He writes that down to give to an architect. "I'll see about getting the dust. Other things you might be able to help us with - if you could find Heart's Edge, it was held by the Church in Cheliax and we never got it out. Or Parnoneryx, he's been missing for a bit over a century - If he's dead and you can confirm that it might be worth the diamond for a true resurrection -"


"I don't know what Heart's Edge is or who Parnoneryx is."


"...Right. Of course, it wouldn't be called that yet. Iomedae's sword. She reforged it with a miracle after Tar-Baphon shattered it in 3826.

Parnoneryx is a gold dragon who fought with the Shining Crusade."


"...Starting in 3826?"


"Earlier than that I think?"


"The only gold dragon on crusade that I know about is Mengkare and he left."


"Yes, I'm trying to get him too. He says he's not interested in mortal affairs, he's too busy building paradise in the Arcadian ocean."

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