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the Lamb in Fabulous
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As the Beautiful Lamb flies away, the crown flows in anxious circles around its true bearer. Is she okay? No of course she's not okay. She's safe now, though! The crown kept her safe!! And all along the way it did its very best not to do anything she wouldn't want it to have done!


Did it do good?


Yes. Yes. Genuinely, yes. Best crown. The Lamb is very proud of it. She is just also a little busy at the moment HAVING A CATASTROPHIC SCREAMING BREAKDOWN. Your regularly scheduled Lamb will resume shortly.


It is glad to be a good and appreciated crown. It will wait and try to think soothing and reassuring thoughts at her. Maybe they can find Followers here and become more powerful? No, the Lamb doesn't want that. Um. Maybe they can... figure out how to safely gain the power to sleep, and... ah! Yes! The crown can work on that while the Lamb recovers.

It examines, very very carefully, the structure of how the Lamb's difference-of-form is measured, and how that measurement is reflected back into the changing of the mind. It will do so so careful of a study. Nothing shall escape it. And, when it has studied the situation ever so carefully, it will find out how to protect its Lamb against ever having that happen to her again.


There are some differences of mind that bleed in around the edges even before you go full Beautiful Person, it seems - if she was hoping to be sexually attracted to anyone who is not themselves magical she is out of luck, she will be a smidge more hostile to the Hideous Enemy - but they're very mild before that cliff.


As far as the crown knows, its Lamb was not planning to be sexually attracted to anyone, but nonetheless it takes careful note of these things also in case the Lamb wishes for them to be fixed.

It could simply assert upon her mind with great force that it must be this way and not that way. It is her crown and she is its bearer, and that is a thing it can do. But it is hoping for a subtler intervention, because it is concerned that that one might have side effects. It is hoping that it will find some part of the interface between its Lamb and her magic where it can revise the definition of 'close enough' to say that all bodies are close enough, or some pathway of information it can disrupt so that the magic will never notice her body straying too far from its template.


It can with some diligent investigation scramble the magical record of what she used to look like, so that she is always working from a "baseline" of a change or two ago. It will have to keep actively doing this if she keeps actively shapeshifting, though. This is only, however, a risk if she changes her organic body; if she just wears or holds things these can make her more Beautiful but not accidentally communicate that she wants to also think Beautifully.


It investigates every corner of this structure most diligently indeed, to be sure that not any one of them has any more secret traps hiding inside. When it is satisfied, it reports to the Lamb that it has found where the trigger for the bad thing is hiding and will watch over it eternally to be sure it never harms her again.


A very good and appreciated crown.

Okay. This time she's designing the whole thing herself, and she's ditching a bunch of the specifics of the last round. Absolutely no extra eyes anywhere. Her crown says that clothes are universally safe, so she's going hard on the clothes, but she's ditching the cape again. Instead of absurdly tall and spindly she will be only somewhat taller than any reasonable creature, and stocky and muscular the way her heart feels she should be. But she streamlines herself with a nice solid layer of chub, and with wool that she turns ethereally silver instead of uncompromising white; and she asks the Crown to match its red fire to a slightly darker, bloodier shade that she uses as the main colour for her new dress, with silver-white accents. Instead of the sharp spiky aesthetic that got her in so much trouble, she's going for a more rounded one; the dress has a scalloped hem, echoing the puffy curls of her wool. She rounds the ends of her horns likewise, and marshals them into a gentle, steady curve, long enough for good visual balance without getting in the way; and she reddens them to match the dress, and engraves them in a spiraling silver stylization of what would be their natural grooves. Definitely no fangs. No wings yet either, though she's considering them; specifically she's considering silver-white owl's wings with soft rounded feathers, barred in bloody red. Is her crown sure it can keep her safe?


Never again will the magic be allowed to think for a moment that she has ever taken a form besides the form she chooses in that moment.


Okay. Okay. If it's sure. Okay. Then wings are a go.


Now does she have enough magic to take a fucking nap?


She does! She is a beautiful silvery-red sheepcreature with beautiful wings and beautiful fire accessories and a beautiful crown and she can make herself pass out right here on this beach if she so desires.




The crown keeps a watchful eye out for anything that might interrupt this very important nap.


The crown's eye is actually less good at detecting the specific forthcoming interruption than the NEW SENSE that the Lamb has! Under the sea over there is a BAD THING. It's hiding, right now, but it's BAD.


The crown is attuned to all of its bearer's senses and can stay alert to the Thing in case it decides to Bad any closer than that!


It's not a very restful sensation, unfortunately.

What is fortunate is that the Beautiful Sharp Lamb With Lots Of Eyes is divebombing it now.


The crown considers interfering in the Lamb's connection with her senses so she can have a better nap and decides that she would probably prefer that it have a conversation with her about that before trying any such thing. It will let the unrestfulness affect her sleep quality (though for now her determination to nap still holds sway) and pay close attention to the tactics of the ensuing altercation.


The Beautiful Sharp Lamb is using her sharps to slice bits off the bad monster, which has no fixed shape and is using that as most of its combat prowess. The BSL also doesn't have a fixed shape but is more attached to her aesthetics than the monster blob, so she's using her unfixedness mostly to self-heal. She's got the same sleep magic as the Original Lamb and is making the monster slower and more sluggish with it. Slash! Slash! Sleep! Sleep!

Eventually the monster dissolves into an unpleasant liquid and dissipates into the waves. The BSL flaps out over the forest.


The crown will report this to its Lamb just as soon as she wakes up.


That is going to be another several hours, unless something hazardous approaches and the crown has to interrupt her.


The forest contains bears and boars and lynxes and humans. None of them happen to wander by during the nap, though the crown may notice a sailing ship in the distance.


It will also tell its Lamb about the sailing ship.



She groggily accepts her crown's report. Weird object seen floating on the ocean? Sure. Battle between BSL and Bad Thing? Fine.

She feels... complicated... about the BSL's departure, but mostly overall she thinks she's glad of it. She does not really want to hang out with someone who seems to think of her as a phase they've outgrown. Also even thinking about looking at that Beautiful face makes her queasy.

How about she roams these woods looking for a nice spot to start building a house. Sound good?


Of course! Her crown is glad to follow wherever she may lead.

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