Alfirin always thought she knew what "too curious for your own good" meant. It meant that she was poking around finding things out and if she got caught she'd get hurt and told it was all her fault, for learning things, instead of the other person's fault, for hurting her or for having secrets in the first place. That's stupid. It's not her fault, people should just not have secrets, or at least do a better job of hiding them if they don't want them found.

Because she knows what it means when people say she's too curious, she's was pretty sure she knew what it meant when the shamans and the witch-wardens talked about evil sorcerers seeking out forbidden knowledge man was not meant to know. It was probably the same sort of thing. It wasn't the spirits that started the fires that burned the man they caught with the spellbooks, it was just other grownups who were angry that he knew things they thought he shouldn't.

Well, that's what she thought, until she took one of the books the witch-wardens missed, because when she did that and read it until she could do magic, nothing bad happened at first but she must have teleported or something by accident and now she's very far away, farther than Taldor even because she knows a little bit of Taldane and it's not what the people here are speaking.