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Ophelia is a Fatebinder of Tunon, tasked with delivering Kyros's Edict - 'surrender or die'. This doesn't produce straightforward compliance.
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She's a little bit torn about how good that is or isn't, really, but she doesn't let it show.  Even if she'd rather not die if her body does, she doesn't want her continuation to be at Verse's expense.

"That's good, I think; at the very least it's useful knowledge.  ...Let me know if you notice anything else unusual, okay?  I - want to help."


"I appreciate it. I - haven't told anyone else. I think the thing with Barik goes both ways, but it's subtle, I'm not sure he's even noticed."


"Your secret is safe with me, until you choose to release it.  ...Do you want me to try and find out if Barik has noticed?  I could probably ask him something like if he's noticed anything else weird since he ended up in - that, other than the way that nothing about it makes any sense whatsoever."


"I'd guess if we're getting into fights while escorting you, it will get a lot more noticeable. If he hasn't mentioned it in a span, maybe then it's worth asking."


She nods.  "We will certainly see. 

"...You know, if your concern is that you're becoming like Nerat - what would you like to be Exarch of, instead of Secrets?"


"'Exarch?' Like, proto-Archon? I mean, War, obviously. Or Shadows, except how if you start to take the Mark's spot, he definitely comes and kills you."


She nods, both in affirmation and because those answers are not surprising.  "I wonder if he'd be interested in an apprentice.  ...I'm not going to ask him, but it's a funny thought."


"What's he like? You've got to meet him sometimes in the Court, right?"


"I've ever had the - experience - of speaking to the man.  He's - rather like you, come to think of it, if you were a hundred times more pessimistic.  Thinks everyone's an asshole, including himself.  Really blunt; not one for formalities at all.  Likes doing the bloody work.  I don't think he likes me whatsoever; I'm too - bright-hearted."


"Huh. I should try talking to him, if I'm ever at the Court."


"It probably is worth a try, especially if you end up sticking around in my retinue after this is over.  I'm sure Tunon will want my report to be given in person."


"I will if you want me. Nerat's order was - 'Keep her from getting killed unless she does something extremely stupid. Stick with her even if I do something publicly to suggest otherwise.' Not 'until the Edict is done', just 'keep her alive'."


"Wow.  That is a concerning amount of investment he has in me.  Regardless, I'm glad you're around, even if it means Nerat thinks I'm interesting."


"Who knows why the Voices do anything? Well, probably he hopes you have some worthwhile secrets. That's usually involved. I assume."


"If I do, I certainly don't know them.  Let me know what you find out, eh?"


"I'll surprise you," she says dryly.


Ophelia grins.  "Good to hear you're feeling better."


She smiles back. "So, what's next? Let Barik have thinking time... do we just wait until tomorrow morning?"


"I think I'll check in on him, and maybe we can check in with the Chorus's liaison to ask if they've been having supply shortages too, afterwards, but if Barik is still processing, I do think -"

She's going to stick her head out and check the time first, actually.


Sunset's probably two hours away.


"We'd best not march at night, yeah, especially not with him still acclimating."


"Asking Quip's a good idea. Not that he'll have heard, if it's subtle shipments being a little short rather than going missing; I doubt anyone's tracking the details except maybe Sniggler Dagos. He's the main merchant for the Chorus camp here, and I think he ends up managing a lot of the supply lines because nobody else can be arsed to bother. And of course Nerat might just be stealing, in which case - well, he's probably already noticed you're looking."


"Quite, if nothing else because I bet he'd want you to tell him about my noticing.  Regardless, let's get on that."


"Yeah, he did tell me to watch. If there's anything you really don't want me to report - well, I hope he can't use me as an Eye, so tell me and I'll probably agree."


Ophelia nods.  "I figure he must already know that I have some plans to defend myself against him should it come to that, much as I do against Ashe, but I imagine you do agree he shouldn't get to know the specifics."

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