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Fuck fuck fuck she’ll be fine from this fall, Zash the super powered will probably be fine from this fall, but they have a squishy

A tiny vial of liquid is imbibed. And with a superhuman speed and accuracy, a squishy is grabbed, a giant gun is aimed, and the force of the blast can soften the landing so that maybe the squishy can live through this absurdity.


—oh, good, Morgan's got this, he was going to have to try to figure something else otherwise.

He falls rolling but it still hurts like a bitch, especially given that it's on sand and super-regen or no sand is gritty. He doesn't have any time to waste on that, though, and immediately tries to find the other two, they can't have been launched too far from him.


Yvette is right there! Covered in sand (on top of her goo) and absolutely fine, if extremely unhappy!


Morgan is… less fine. She is looking more than a little injured, and bleeding profusely, because obviously she took the brunt of the landing instead of Yvette.

But she’s also rapidly healing.

“Ow,” she grumbles.


...probability of involvement by Nai or Nai-adjacents has shot right back up.

"Okay, you're both alive. Run, I'm gonna go rescue the kid," he says, turning back around to face the worm that is emerging from the sand again.


“You’re going back for the little psycho? Back into the giant worm that thinks like it’s people?! For some kid you don’t know?!?”


“Good luck,” says Yvette, who does not want to go back in the worm, thank you, and will begin running accordingly. “I’ll be with the car!”


"Yes, I am going back in the giant worm that thinks like it's people for some kid I don't know who may be a psycho, next question, and ask it fast if you want to have enough time to run."

Because the worm is very much starting to pick up speed to get to them.


"Do you have literally any exit strategy or are you just hoping you'll be sneezed out again."


"I'll figure it out."


"Well screw that noise, I'll use my gigantic gun."

Apparently she is going into the worm with him, then.


He offers her a small smile.


And then he gets ready to be eaten again.


He will have his wish.


It is not more fun the second time around!!!

"Yeah, okay, that's settled. Not calling you dad, this would be child abuse," she grumbles.


He dusts himself off as he gets to his feet again. "You chose this, I did not impose it on you. Now let's look for that kid."


"Yeah, yeah, fine."

Up she gets, and then they can get to looking. In this giant worm. How are they supposed to find someone in here again?


Well, you put your right hand on the wall and you start walking along it.

(Not literally. But metaphorically. Follow the wall.)


This is a dumb plan, but she will nonetheless support him in his choices, because without her it would in fact be even dumber. Grumble grumble, squish squish as they travel through the worm.


But they don't need to look very far; this time the kid is right there, standing in the middle of one of the open areas in the "stomach".

They turn around when they hear Zash and Morgan, let out a little squeak, then run directly towards Zash to wrap their arms around him in a tight hug.


"—oh. There you are. I was so scared, are you alright?"


Morgan, meanwhile, is frowning again. Suspiciously.



—freezes. Then releases the kid and takes a step back. "That noise..."


The kid... starts grinning, and a whole host of flying worms starts surrounding them. "You can hear it? Wow! Normal humans usually can't."


"Yeah, funny thing, I think we left the only one we had back outside. Fresh out."

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