Vanda Nossëo's transition team informs him that they think the space station will make an exemplary member and a terrifically desirable place to live - "and as soon as we have an extranet setup like Revelation's, everyone everywhere will hear all about it." He is unclear if they actually need his permission but tells them to move forward with the membership. A date is scheduled, an extravagant party planned. They get 8,000 necklaces and 120 resurrections a local year - not much, but they're much much smaller than most of the member states, and their population mostly a long way from dying.


Someone who has helped with the negotiations suggests that he fund a study-abroad program for the next generation of blues. All of them. Well, maybe he should start with only some of them for a bit of subtlety. Have them spend their formative years in Mîr and in Elendil and on Federation Earth and in Vanda Nossëo and in Ambaróna - "I can't send them there, we've got reds."

"You can't send them there yet."

He funds it. The most talented blues of every nation are invited to apply for a funded study program in some of the universe's greatest centers of interstellar politics and diplomacy. As a perk, they permanently get the ability to speak any language in the universe.

He heads down to Voa to check how all of this is going over. This time he calls ahead and schedules a meeting and everything.