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Azem is a vampire and he is having a very terrible time of it
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"Very well. But the moment I see a tentacle, I will end you."


"I'd expect nothing less."


When Shadowheart said she spotted a temple to the east she meant that actually there are the ruins of a temple right around the corner over there. Which is easy enough to find.

However, there are already people there.


People, hmm? Time to eavesdrop—


"Charge!" cries the githyanki, rushing ahead into the group.


What? "No, no, do not charge—" He lunges at her to arrest her momentum before she gets them into a fight they very much do not need.


But of course when a githyanki warrior loudly yells "charge" that tends to attract some attention, and not the friendliest kind. The spot they arrived at was overlooking the main entrance to the chapel and there was one halfling scout there but another halfling, a half-elf, and an elf soon run up there to see what the ruckus was about.

"Not another step!" says the scout, pointing a crossbow at the party.


"Unhand me at once!"


"Lae'zel, beautiful Lae'zel, we do not randomly attack people, do you understand me? Shadowheart, you back me here, don't you, sweetheart?"




Better than nothing.


"What's this about?" asks the arriving halfling, also armed with a crossbow. "You here to loot the crypt? Or the ship? Move along, now, they're ours."


"No, no, nothing of the sort, just." He clears his throat then gets off Lae'zel. "My friend here is woefully undersocialised, I'm afraid. We do not wish to—ah, did you say ship? The illithid ship over yonder?"


"Don't see no other ship, now, do I?"


"Ah, I see, it's just, well..."





"...well? Spit it out, lad, before I fill you with holes."


"It's just we were just there and it's, you know... crawling with illithid."



    "Mind flayers," says the elf.

"'re pulling my leg?"


"I mean, you're free to go see the place yourselves, of course, but we barely escaped with our lives—"


"No ghaik threatened me."


"—despite my friend's bravado. It is a nautiloid, after all, and we all know mind flayers are telekinetic so I figure that's how they survived. I wouldn't want to go back there myself. I'd probably leave this area too if I were you, I can't imagine they'll be limiting themselves to the ship."


"...a very convenient thing for you to say." But Astarion will be able to tell that his words are having an effect: both halflings have lowered their weapons and the elf and half-elf have been trading worried looks.


"We just came here to warn you. ...well, I did, my friend here as stated is not the greatest at not attacking people on sight. I suppose she really wants to flex that sword arm."


"...yeah, uh, that, ah, won't be necessary, I feel," says the halfling, probably their leader given how the others seem to look to him for reactions. "We can come back sometime later, once these il- illi- mind flayers are well and truly gone."

    "I told you it was a bad idea to stay around..." says the half-elf.

"Alright, shut your trap. Let's go. And, ah, thank you for the warning, lad."


"Of course, of course."

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