Sunlight Scouring the Unworthy From the Face of the World is several things:
- The child of two notorious adventurers
- Embarrassed by their name
- 1/4th rat on their mother's side
- Running late

It's maybe that last one that is most important at this point. The last traces of the sun are just disappearing around the corner of the world, and in a few minutes the last reflected light from the rest of the surface will have disappeared. When it does, Swift will transmit his opening message, and they'll have slightly less than 7 minutes to catch it and reply.

If their antenna isn't set up on the guardwall by then, they'll have to ask Swift to re-transmit, and it will be an incredibly embarrassing 14 minutes before Swift tells them that it's alright, he doesn't mind.

So Scour races through the crowd. Days are so hot on the chain that evening is prime errand-running time, and the main thoroughfares are packed. They duck and weave and squeak "sorry!" when appropriate. Up ahead, the lights that line the guardwall approach, the crowd thinning as they do.

Lots of people up the chain for the first time find getting too close to the edge scary, but Scour grew up here, and it has long ago stopped bothering them to heave their backpack and then their body up to the top of the wall and stare at the slight distortion of the airshield which is all that stands between the city and the void.

They gently pull out their prototype and set it on the wall beside them, placing the headphone in one ear and the contact in their other hand.