things are ugly but at least people can read
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I would like a hug but I'll be okay. It's actually easier here, in some ways - in Valinor she was the only person who'd ever died, and I and my father the only people who were hurting in that particular way -

Does your library elf status entitle you to university therapists or do you just find the ambience of everyone's great-grandparents being dead soothing?

Therapists who think I'm delusional would not help. But knowing I'm not alone and there being something I can do to make sure it doesn't happen to more people helps.


And so does the prospect of eventual omnipotence.

I hope you'll be very responsible with it.

Are you worried?

It's a tall order!

I would admittedly probably wait until I was a grownup if there weren't so many problems requiring it.

How long does that take for elves?

Fifty's a legal adult but we're done growing at a hundred - like the difference between eighteen and twenty-five?

If only twenty-five were double eighteen.

It is kind of annoying! It didn't annoy me before because I think being a kid in Valinor is less limiting than being a kid on Earth but now I am inclined to prefer your growing-up pace.

Well, if you haven't invented cars, you don't need to look both ways before you cross the street. Or is it something else?

I mean, I ran away from home and no one got in trouble for letting me stay with them or work for them and they mostly didn't try to convince me to go back.

Yeah we don't have that. It's fucked up, although honestly mostly because humans are sometimes abusive parents which I gather is not epidemic there.

Nope. You'd think 'has perfectly loving parents he can't be happy around' is a harder case than 'has evil parents' so it's kind of worrying they can't even get the evil parents case right.

Part of it is not having good alternatives on hand. So they willfully pretend that the default is better than all the bad alternatives rather than acknowledge that they can't get the kids in a good place. They do manage to confiscate kids from the overtly evil at least some of the time.

How would you do it, with terrifying magical powers to help?

How terrifying?

I can't think of things I won't be able to do eventually.

Opt-in fertility, robot assistants for every unappealing aspect of childcare, well-supplied hostel sorta things.

That wouldn't be that hard. 

Yeah, for step 2 apart from the MMORPG I think I can get it so Rete can maintain robots that maintain robots that etc. and have little consumer grade robots that do all kinds of neat stuff and don't require my personal attention to sell.

Would that be enough to mostly end scarcity or are there other weird problems?

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