Knight Commander Kybele
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"Will I be able to re-use a detect magic cast from a scroll the same way I can re-use my read magic?"


"No. A spell trigger wondrous item or a staff can do that - or theoretically even a wand if you were incredibly good - but scrolls are single use items. If you were a wizard you would be able to prepare a spell off a scroll? There's not really any advantage to that over a spell book, though, and if you have a scroll for reference you can copy over the relevant diagrams without using it up. Mostly scrolls are good for storing up spells for future occasions, like stuff you only need in emergencies, or to get spells you can't cast yourself."


"Could I have a spellbook even though I'm not a wizard, would that make any sense?"


"What a fascinating idea, library girl! I'm not sure; it's certainly not easy, since most sorcerers don't and many of them would want to, but I think arcanism is supposed to involve something like that. The only arcanists I've met refused to answer my entirely reasonable questions about what they were doing, but that just means you won't be limited by any preconceived notions about how it's supposed to work!"


"Well, if it's just like scrolls except they don't stop working once you read a spell off them it seems worth a try, though I don't know if I'll get anywhere with it."


If Kybele will supply the necessary paper, Nenio is very easily diverted from showing how to activate scrolls to checking over Kybele's work as she copies over the cantrips. It's actually somewhat harder than making a scroll, surprisingly, but there's less overall work so it still takes less time.


It's a very satisfyingly puzzly sort of activity.


Nenio might have the manic energy to work all night without needing to care about mere concerns of the flesh, but after a few hours of this Camellia's hand starts to cramp up and she becomes acutely aware of her own stomach.

"As fascinating as this is, I'm starving. Does anyone else want to get something to eat?"


"Fuck yes."


"Not a bad idea. Thank you very much, Nenio. Do you want to join us for dinner or is that too unscientific?"


"Good science requires sustenance, either from food or a ring!"


Camellia had been kind of hoping Nenio wouldn't join them, but she supposes it would be churlish to refuse to pay for her after the lesson on scrolls turned out to be genuinely useful. She'll lead the way to a moderately fancy restaurant whose Taldane owner offers genuine Opparan cuisine at acceptable quality, and more importantly has their place nearby the library.


"I heard a fairly negative review of the rings, but maybe they're fine on food and only iffy on sleep," says Ky on their way.


"Iffy on sleep? That's the most useful part! I could stay up all night working on spell research, and still be able to prepare spells if I get up before noon! I tried just forgetting I was tired but, but it wasn't enough to let me prepare spells."


"The thing I heard was that it means you can compress eight hours of sleep into two, but this does nothing about extending sixteen hours of useful wakefulness into twenty-two and this leaves you pretty sleepy for the six extra or causes your schedule to slip around a lot. Which is better than nothing but not the pure win it sounded like."


“Oh, that. If I start to get tired enough to interfere with my work, I just forget about it and move on.”


"You have turned forgetfulness into an art form."


"Thank you!"


How in the world does forgetting that you're tired even help? Maybe there's a spell for it and Nenio is just messing with her, though she didn't think the girl was good enough at deception. Whatever. Camellia can't really even bring herself to care about it right now, not compared to eating. Thankfully a pointed glance is enough to convince the help not to say anything about Nenio's appearance, since she can't even count on the wizard caring enough to not bring down their party's reputation by not responding harshly enough to being questioned.


Ky will have whatever Camellia recommends.


Then she can also order kleftiko, which turns out to be lamb and potatoes slow cooked with lemon and garlic, followed by a honey-almond nougat called mandolato. 


"This is delicious."


Oh good, it's always nice to get it right.


Since nobody is in a rush to do anything after they eat, Camellia will stick around for a bit and chat, but once things are done and she's paid for the meal Camellia makes her way back home. The company is fine but she's already going to be roughing it indefinitely in a few days and doesn't intend to start sooner.


As one might have gathered from her earlier comments, Nenio is entirely willing to ignore sleep as a factor for as long as Kybele holds her attention, but once that stops being a factor she unfurls a bedroll from her pack and is out like a light.

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