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yves is a portalsnack (hell val in vn)
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<What if I morphed into someone really fat?>


<That's not even the better class of that kind of thing, though it might be one of the cheapest. Fat people still get hungry and still don't work very well when they're hungry.>


Ugh. Well, when there's time for research he'll see what he can find out.


He gets his chance when Ashkon next goes to the Pool.


Ashkon is right. There's no really good magic that just makes people not need to eat. What is there that's more creative than that?

He could get someone to conjure food already in his stomach. That doesn't sound great - he doesn't really like feeling like he's just eaten, even with Ashkon keeping the nausea at bay - but it would theoretically let him skip the part where it has to pass through his mouth.

He could cut his tongue out again and taste things less that way but he'd still taste them at all and Ashkon is using that tongue.

Okay, internet, how does the digestive system work? ...Disgustingly. Wow, that's awful. Strictly speaking there's nothing actually stopping him if he wants to rip the entire thing out but that seems rude to Ashkon. The stomach is skippable, that makes the conjuration idea slightly less bad (but still bad). He wonders if any of the worlds with really impressive technology have ever tried to keep people alive if they had damaged stomachs. Hey, internet... great. (Not great.) They can fucking eat because high-tech worlds have clever strategies for connecting people's intestines to their throats. Why. The internet actually explains why, even though it's not actually mysterious; there's a human interest piece about it where someone mentions having expected to be unable to eat and to need a feeding tube - okay, internet, what is that - it's really hard to say if some of those would be an improvement. Probably the kind that passes straight into the small intestine through the skin would be, though who knows how complicated it'd be to arrange or maintain. It doesn't really seem forgettable.

(Of course the internet can tell him all about the use of tube feeding as torture. Of fucking course. Why would there be anything that wasn't used that way, ever, in all the worlds.)

He wiki-walks over to pages on parenteral nutrition and anorexia. Parenteral nutrition is probably too complicated to help but in theory it seems like the kind of thing that would solve his problem, if he didn't mind all the logistics; it's not like he can get liver damage, or complain about still feeling hungry, or most of the other associated problems. Probably Ashkon would mind all the logistics, though.

Or this might be the kind of thing that a wish could do, but it'd be a waste of a wish.

Or he could get stoned and hope it makes him like eating. That's not a very appealing option.

That's all he can come up with. Maybe some of it will be news to Ashkon. He's keeping all his thoughts about it public in case anyone else has anything to say, though probably that's not very likely to be helpful at the Pool.


Not at this Pool. It'd help a lot if he went to Nest for some reason!

Ashkon comes back. <Yeah, it's not apparently an area anyone's working on. I can work on a song for it one day but I'm not there yet.>


<3. It’s already very cool to be the instrument of Ashkon's magic; he’s excited for Ashkon to also compose new magic, while he watches, for him.



Back to school they go.

With this topic publicly on their minds, eventually someone in Ashkon's lyrics workshop offers them a leaf-wrapped square of something like shortbread. This is lembas. You do have to chew it, but a very small bit can keep you fed all day.



Thank you!


"Thank you!!" Ashkon adds aloud, beaming.

He takes the lembas back to their room to try a little corner of it.

It's rich, and somehow simultaneously Obviously Not Junk Food and also sweet and indulgent, and that little corner of it is very filling.


Gah. Why is it like that. Well, that was fast, so he approves. And who knows, maybe he'll decide he likes it. It feels sort of loosely possible that he could like it.

He is so, so happy.


Ashkon is happy too! He has a sort of inventory of how-well-is-this-body-working benchmarks that he now puts them through and they are doing solidly better than ever before!


He'd like to instantiate his happy bouncing in physical reality for a minute, if that's not in the way of anything.


<Go for it.> Ashkon backs off from the voluntary muscles.


Bounce bounce. They should have something better than a pillow to hug but a pillow is what they have so he hugs it and twirls and then flops onto the bed and grins so hard it hurts.

He could keep going or he could be done, he doesn't really mind either way.


Ashkon takes back over, buries their face in the pillow, and then grabs the computer to a) look up where to find more lembas when this one runs out, which won't be for at least a week, but still, and b) to buy a stuffed nudibranch to hug instead.




He ends up liking the stuffed nudibranch.

Time passes. The lembas works; he puts on a little weight. He could leave it at that but in fact he decides to keep trying things, mostly out of curiosity and to have any idea what other people are talking about and a little bit because lembas doesn't come from a replicator and it would be convenient to like things that do. He tolerates a couple of apple varieties in tiny quantities; curry makes him curse the day he was born; vanilla almond milk sort of grows on him a little; plain white rice is bland enough that he doesn't mind the first bite but then it feels too tedious to take another. Peas not only manage to be better than starving, they manage to be better than living on just lembas, in the handful of extremely precise preparations he likes and in very small portions and not every day, and still not right before Ashkon leaves him by himself.

The nightmares improve. Not a lot, but a little. He dreams of discovering that you can swim in the night sky and making sandcastles on the moon and going to class and discovering he's forgotten Ashkon in the Pool. Mostly he still dreams of assorted horrors, but even then he often dreams that there's hope, that he's desperate rather than despairing or that there's pretty Quenya music in the background the whole time or that if he's very fast and very careful he can take breaks in the park.

He finds a math podcast and a little bit of fiction he likes okay. He tries, though not very hard, to figure out what he can possibly actually guess about how his actions affect other people and whether he wants to do anything about that.

He starts putting together plans - not real plans, exactly, barely more than daydreams - for the life he could have if he wasn't lending Ashkon the use of his body. In a lot of ways it would be a more limited life, not less - he might or might not even be able to keep one bite of lembas down, and it'd be harder to sleep regularly without Ashkon keeping his body calm and making it instantly obvious that he's not there when he wakes, and he'd have to worry about money again. But he could take up rock climbing. He could maybe consider taking up painting; sometimes he watches videos of people doing it and that's nice but he's not sure yet if it'd be nice to do it himself. He sort of knows how to talk to people, a little; he wouldn't have to be totally alone. He could spend weeks camping in a real forest that isn't Lórien, without having to worry about anyone having any bodily needs. If he got tired of beauty he could gouge his eyes out again and not worry about taking away someone else's vision. It's not a life he wants, on balance, but he's occasionally wistful about it. When he catches himself wishing he could join this online community about a sci-fi series he likes well enough to want to talk to the fandom, he starts actually trying to sign up while Ashkon is in the Pool one day, only to get stuck and have to wait and ask Ashkon to put something in the username field because he just can't.

He gets an email one day not long after that, from an organization serving people in some nice afterlives he wasn't lucky enough to go to. They've been looking for hundreds of years for a dead French girl. Her name was Helen. She died of the plague. She might not have wanted to grow up to be a woman. She might be going by Vivien. That's far more than enough information to conjure by. There's a mother and a little sister and the mother wants to set up a meeting.

He remembers having a little sister and a mother. He remembers watching the blackness creep up his hands and his arms. He doesn't remember ever being named Helen. He emails the supposed mother of this person he doesn't even really remember being that he doesn't talk much anymore but he can send email and if she's the texting-from-five-feet-away type she can come to the Pool while Ashkon is feeding.

Apparently she is. She shows up. She looks about halfway to tears. "...Vivien?" she asks.

He shrugs with an exaggeratedly clueless expression.

"I'm looking for my - child - I don't have a current name, it's been so long..."

He shrugs again and shows her the email he got about their supposed former relationship.

"For a long time I hoped you hated me," she says, sitting down on the bench next to him. "I hoped you just didn't want to be found because I'd been such a bad mother."

He has no idea what to say to that so he doesn't say anything.

"I gave to charity. For rescuing people. In case that was what you needed. But it didn't end up helping you. I'm so sorry. I love you and I missed you and I... and I missed you, and you were... a child any decent parent would be so proud of."

He doesn't know what to say to that either. If he had guessed he would have guessed that his mother was disappointed in him and maybe hated him.

She starts telling stories, asking him if he remembers them, and he mostly doesn't. She makes things sound so idyllic, except when she breaks off and says something like "I didn't really understand back then" or "times were different and made for worse mothers but please tell me you knew I loved you." (He just shrugs. He doesn't remember if he ever knew anything like that. He remembers that once upon a time he knew how flax became cloth, but he doesn't know it now.)

She sings. She sings something old, something he didn't think he remembered, and the words come to him before she sings them, and he nods vaguely in recognition. Only he can't quite convince himself that he remembers her. His memory holds a few shattered pieces of a picture of a very damaged person who probably tried and maybe failed to love a person he doesn't really remember being, and the person in front of him is begging him to say he believes something else, and is obviously devastated about the loss of this Helen or Vivien or whatever their name is, and he's been told the person he can almost-but-not-quite remember being is Vivien but he can't square the hints his supposed mother is giving him about who Vivien was with his own memories any more than he can square her with his memories.

He types an email. He doesn't send it, just turns the screen to show her.

They didn't give me time to reminisce. I haven't had the chance to speak of my childhood with anyone. They did their best in the mean time to drive me mad and destroy my memory. I have no idea what I knew. I have no idea if you were a good mother. It didn't make any difference. I'm glad you were luckier than I was or a better person or whichever mattered. I don't hate you and I wish I had ended up in the same place as you. I'm okay now. What do you do with yourself these days?

"Yoga. And I teach math to kids. I'm so sorry, Vivien."

It's not his name. It might have been once but it's not his name. It's a nice name, he supposes; he can see why someone who could want a name might want that one. He doesn't remember if he ever got to go by it but they can't have been so trans-accepting in rural France in the middle ages that it's at all likely. It's kind of distantly sad that now he never will.

"Is there anything you need?" she asks.

He shakes his head and puts on a somewhat plausible smile.

"If you ever do - or if you want to talk - or anything at all - well, you have my email."

He nods, smiles, waves, and goes and ducks into the bathroom to escape. He kind of wants to hit his head on the wall but he doesn't.

Instead he finally finishes an email to Nocawe he's been meaning to write for a while.

I have questions about Vanda Nossëo citizenship and what promises or obligations it involves on the part of the citizen. I think I explained to you before how and why I'm iffy on the concept of laws but it was a while ago and I was worse at talking to people from your general context and background then so I can try again if necessary, and I think someone I spoke to before said something that I interpreted (possibly wrongly) as saying I shouldn't seek citizenship if I'm not up for proactively learning and trying to follow the law. But I think my understanding of this entire general topic is somewhat confused so I would appreciate some help sorting it out or some clarification. Thanks.



(His username on the fandom site is waybread_instrument because a lot of usernames are taken already.)

Nocawe asks if he wants to meet at the next Pool trip or just correspond by email.


Email is good.

So, Vanda Nossëo citizenship doesn't exactly oblige you to obey more laws than you already were obliged to just by being in Vanda Nossëo territory. What it does is constitute buy-in. If you murder someone right now you might not be allowed to come back, but they wouldn't think they were authorized to imprison you longer than it took to figure out if you definitely did the murder, they'd just put you somewhere else - in your case maybe Tide but I don't think they'd want to keep you at that point. If you decide to be a citizen, you're saying, I'm one of Vanda Nossëo's people and I'm going to do Vanda Nossëo things and if I make a terrible mistake then Vanda Nossëo's justice system has jurisdiction over me. Does that make sense?

Sort of. So if they take issue with me now I end up somewhere basically random?

Does it entail committing to doing Vanda Nossëo things, whatever those are? Or to specific things that Vanda Nossëo happens to be in favor of? Is it permanent if I regret it later?

Would I have to take steps to somehow further empower them or is it just a question of letting them know how I prefer that they act with respect to me?

I don't think random, but I could see it winding up being something like a repurposed closet in Tide while they try to figure out somewhere nonrandom that will take you. Or you could always agree to go to a VN prison instead anyway, they're pretty nice. It doesn't commit you to any particular obligations unless you choose to take them on or take on a responsibility that includes them, like having a child or being elected to public office or something. You can renounce your citizenship any time. You don't have to take any steps to further empower VN though I'd recommend you get a bank account for them to deposit your basic into.

I’m not actually going to break the law because I spend most of my time completely immobile. And I might not anyway because I’ve decided that even if I can’t know if I’m hurting people indirectly I want to avoid doing it directly and hope that’s at least better than chance. And I don’t expect to mind being in prison in Vanda Nossëo more than going anywhere else. It seems like not much would materially change besides receiving money, as long as Vanda Nossëo is how it presents itself.

But I don’t know what’s right and I don’t know if Vanda Nossëo is made of demons so I’m not sure if it would be appropriate to take steps that indicate buy-in or constitute an agreement of some kind. I don’t really think it’d be fair for the law to punish me because I don’t know enough to do right by other people, though it doesn’t sound like Vanda Nossëo is very punitive anyway. Is the money only for people capable of and interested in learning about the law and following it specifically because it is the law and they trust the government, or at least willing to claim that?

(It’s kind of upsetting that he thinks he’d mind being in prison at all. They have something they can threaten him with now that he’s happy.)


<I might be able to get you work-released to me when I don't need to be in the Pool, they're pretty okay with alternative arrangements that aren't worse at keeping an eye on people.>

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