A sun is rising, burnish bronze light spilling past the transduction barriers, far above the planet, and through the clear glass sphere surrounding the Capitol, and into the spacious halls of the Citadel nestled within. The silver glow of the faraway forests shimmers faraway, the radiant shine reflecting of the wispy white clouds. It all spills out, across the fullness of the auburn sky, marvelous metallic glints gleaming and shimmering through the windows, against the golden inscriptions on the marble walls, and the rich red velvet floors, perfectly pristine despite all the through traffic. 

Within one of the those halls, a certain time lady (in training, but still) takes in the beautiful day and the little chorus of chitter-chatter amongst her colleagues. They're so excited to see what comes of their training, and what they've planned for this capstone adventure.

And... They aren't talking about it too much, but you know they can sense it, too - the weight of this moment, the tang of time's intrigue against their tongues, the smell of a dawning destiny, and a dozen other little delights, in senses far too refined for this margin to contain, of the importance and pending fixity of what is to come. They can sense it over even the steady pulse of the Eye of Harmony beneath their feet - a rare thing indeed...