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Thanks, boss.

And she settles into bed and just luxuriates in it being done.

It's all over. Kamoshida will have a change of heart and confess, or he won't. Either way, it's out of her hands now.


Morgana curls up in a ball on her tummy.

"Hard work, but we did good."


Indeed, moitié. I'm proud of you.



She looks down at Morgana. 

"... can I pet you?"



They look down at their paws, then back up at Akira.

"I'm not a cat, but that does sound like it would feel nice..."

They flick their right ear and curl back up.



Akira smiles, and very gently pets Morgana.

She buries her hands in their soft fur and just relaxes into the moment for a while. 

It's so good to be done.




After a while of petting Morgana, Akira gets a text from Sojiro.

All clear, kid.


Akira heads back downstairs and takes a seat at the bar with a genuine smile on her face. 

She's missed Boss, honestly.

"Hey," she says.


"Good to see ya."

He slides a coffee and a plate of curry to Akira, and a plate of tuna to Morgana.

"Busy day, you were saying?"


"Yeah. Complex."

She takes a spoonful of her curry. 

"So, there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is: we did it. The abusive gym teacher should confess to his crimes." 

She blows on her curry, takes a bite. Swallows. 

"The bad news is, we had to be more public about it than we'd planned. It turns out that for magic reasons — I can explain if you want me to — we had to tell him we were coming and what we were going to do for it to work. The best plan we were able to come up with was to pseudonymously post leaflets around the school." 

Akira sighs. "I wish it hadn't come to that. I didn't want to attract attention to us. If it works, though, I don't regret it."


He sighs hard and sits down.

"I don't like that risk. Pseudonymous should be okay, but I don't know. Worries me. But... you did it, and you think it worked."


"The gym teacher suddenly looked distraught, cancelled class, and wasn't seen for the rest of the day. We definitely did something. Whether it's what we intended..." She spreads her hands. "Only time will tell."


Sojira sighs and nods. "I still worry about the leaflets. Are you su—"

And then he's interrupted by a text message.


He looks down at his phone, grumbles under his breath, shakes his head, then puts it back down and looks up.

"Right. The leaflets. Did you take precautions to keep them from being traced back to you?"


She nods. "As many as we could manage. They were the least traceable option."


He glances down at something on his phone again, then nods.

"Didn't use any of your friends' printers, didn't handwrite anything, wore gloves?"


"Yes to all of those."


Another glance at his phone, then a nod.

"I... guess you're fine, then."

He shakes his head and puts his phone away.

"Good job, kid. It sounds like you maybe made a difference. If this works..."

He trails off, then gets up. "Well, lemme know what happens, anyway."


"Yeah, will do."

Akira manages a small smile. "For now I want to collapse in bed for a while. It's been such a week."


"Sounds like it. Well, I'll clean this up. Keep doing your best, kid."


Akira nods seriously, and goes upstairs to bed again.


You made a difference. I saw Kamoshida flee. He's never going to be the same.

Why stop there?


Oh shut up. We've taken more than enough risks already. 

Just keep your damn head down and be a good student like the rest of us.


They'll come to you if you won't go to them. You do know that, right?

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