Teodor is twenty-one winters old, and this is his sixth time in the rota and his fourth leading it. He's not actually that good of a lancer, but he's very good at leading them for his age, and pretty good in an absolute sense. His rota have also decided that he is 'lucky' - he's steered them away from two ambushes and one big blast from a Greenskin shaman,seemingly by accident.

(He hasn't mentioned to anyone but the hags that he has the Sight. It seems safer this way, and if it makes it less useful, well, that wasn't the reason he asked to keep it.)

This time it's Beastmen, who surfaced in Dukhlys Forest and struck out southwest to Uvetsyn. They're on a path toward Urszebya, so they're probably led by a bray-shaman and need to be kept back from the holy site. There's a pulk already assembled from the north, but the southerners from past Belava haven't joined up yet, though they're riding together, east along the Lesser Tobol.

And... there's an unusual concentration of the wild wind in those thicketed hills.