smol avalor in early valinor
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"The Emperor's trying for flourishing of his people too."


"So then he should wait and meet the Valar and be polite to them and not kill people under their protection. I don't have an agenda here - as I said, we don't really die. I will just be so frustrated and disappointed if we meet aliens and they can't be dissuaded from immediately destroying themselves."


"It sounded like you thought we'd have help."


Sigh. "If something is very clearly marked 'touch this and everyone dies' and you go barrelling into it at full speed -"


"We're not. I'm a polymath not a military scout."


"And I like you, which is why I'm trying to explain the problem we are anticipating."


"I'm not an actual Imperial advisor!"


"So then maybe all the advice lets you do is get your loved ones to another continent."


"Nobody's taking immigrants! They're trying to figure something out but until then every immigrant would be one less child they could allow."



" - what a mess. Okay. In that case I think the thing to do is stall until the Valar get here and then you can honestly report on them and hopefully that'll inspire caution in your leadership, is that an option?"




He sighs. He returns to taking notes. 


A minute later someone else walks in. "Dear -"


" - oh, hello - we don't assign the same meaning to hair," he tells their interdimensional visitor. 


"If there's going to be trouble I think we should perhaps take the children to my father's."


" - I suppose. Their world is really interesting! Absolutely appalling but so fascinating."


"Oh, I wasn't expecting I could convince you to budge an inch - though, really, if you die the King'll be angrier and less inclined to dissuade the Valar from overreacting, if we don't want the Valar to overreact we should try as hard as possible to avoid being the victims of any violence -"


He translates this for their guest. " - yeah, I guess, but - physics!!"


"...I could see if they'll throw me a phone."


"How would that help -"


"Uh, the new kind can work without a wired connection - if you go really far you'd need repeaters too though -"


"How far? - if it's looking like there'll definitely be a conflict we could withdraw everyone a hundred, two hundred miles, let you storm around ruining the city, the Valar'll still be annoyed but much less so if no one's gotten hurt -"


"I'm not sure how many repeaters, several though. I wouldn't be storming around I'm not grey."


"We could let your species storm around ruining the empty city as a way of trying to prevent an overreaction. The city we can fix, if they kill you all I don't know if that's even fixable. Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll suggest it to the King even if you haven't a phone."


He really doesn't think wrecking an abandoned city is the sort of tactical goal they go in for but what does he know.

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