smol avalor in early valinor
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Avalor picks two, a history teacher and a politics teacher. She has the impression that if she needs to learn a language she can probably just ask Maitimo's dad and she always did very well in gen ed just by reading the books.


She can definitely ask Maitimo's dad about languages. He arranges for people to hire the teachers.


Do... they have money?


They have planets?


Are they charging money for the planets? That would be news to all these colony expeditions.


They're not clear on how money works and those planets were gifts but in Valinor if you give people gifts they give you gifts too. Is there a better way to get money.


Usually people do it by selling goods or services. They were giving planets to countries and these oranges are individuals who need money as individuals to do things.


The oranges don't want planets?


...their own planets? They're oranges, they don't know how to farm or anything.


...okay what do they want.


......salaries. And an easy commute.

Avalor is willing to go without if this is complicated.


Nah the Elves will figure it out. Is there anybody who would like to buy, say, a portal from one place in this city to another place in the city? For a lot of money? Two orange salaries for two years, that's how much money.


Portals across a greater distance would be better! How about this city and this other city - or that one and that one - they can have so much money for this -

Oranges are not that expensive, these are classy ones but still.


Elves have money! Cities are emportaled. (The Valar have to do the portals between dimensions but can do two really close together.)


Now they can give the oranges salaries. How much money do the oranges want.


They name prices. They are not that inflated.


Elves give them that amount of money. After some confusion about how to transfer money to people.


And the teachers come to Avalor and teach her things.


Maitimo sits in because this is interesting and also allows him opportunity to teach her the faces thing.


The teachers determine that "alien prince" is probably pretty close to "blue" and don't object to him being there. Avalor appreciates it.


Maitimo agrees with the teachers. He is so blue. He likes everything about blue except for the wars and the lying and manipulating. He thinks he'd be good at everything about blue except for the wars.


Greys do the detail bits of the wars, blues mostly just decide what they need to make happen.


Is people dying a detail bit.


Uh, greys do the actual causing people to die part, yes, blues don't go out and shoot anyone.


That is not what he meant he meant like with Voa did the Emperor say 'and then line up these people and kill them' or was that greys.


The Emperor issued the original ultimatum and greys carried it out.

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