instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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Amenta is the whole planet.


Maybe some other governments are competent enough to do a starship project. Tapa seems nice. Calado's blues do not seem anywhere near competent enough.


Some people are not sure it's legal to say that.


You're not really supposed to criticize the government like that? Maybe it only counts if you do it in print.


Wow. The government sucks. They are incompetent and have bad priorities and mistreat their populace and do not deserve to be in a position of power. He will totally write that down.


That doesn't seem wise.


He does it anyway. 


Nobody arrests him.


This is unsurprising because he is an alien and can teach them lightleapers. 


Yep, that's probably why. Is he going to actually teach them lightleapers.


It's not, like, a secret that fits on a piece of paper. He could teach a couple years of physics classes at a university and then the government will have to spend a hundred billion ahk building one and he's not sure they're that good at their jobs. And he's a bit worried they will get the money by like stealing it from starving people.



Someone puts him in touch with a university!


...sure, fine. They can pay him in native speakers of every language in the world.


Natives are a little hard to come by with restricted immigration but they will figure it out, they have an exchange program.


The lightleaper leaps! The lightleaper approaches Valinor. There are shuttles to get them to the surface. "We didn't want to do that in Amenta because we weren't sure if we'd have enough space," someone explains, loading their new citizens into shuttles. "This is tolerable for an hour, and the trip is shorter than that."


"This is fine," one of the yellows assures them.


"You probably won't want to live in Tirion, it's on the equator, but it's where we'll have to go to get you identification and everything." Shuttle descends through the atmosphere. The planet and as they get closer the city are really, aggressively, obnoxiously pretty.


"It'd take months there for any of us to reseason."


"Then maybe you can stay long enough to answer some questions for them and then Prince Nelyafinwë'll arrange you jobs and somewhere to stay, it's his favorite thing."




"Is something wrong? - our royal family isn't like your blues, at all."


"It's just the sort of thing that would be blue. Calado's blues are mostly descended one way or another from the last Emperor of Oahk."


"Government is considered - their obligation is to the people, as a whole and also individually. If you bumped into one in the street they would apologize to you. Our tax money pays them, they work for us. Civil service, it's called, the work of governing. People'd die for our king, and his family, but - because we trust him and witness his commitment to us. Certainly not because he would have us arrested for refusing."

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