maurabel and penumbra go on an adventure
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Oh good.


Some places are curious how set she is on having her magic school in Anitam.


Uh, not totally committed but all the kids were told to learn Anitami and she's been pleased with her accommodations here. Why?


Because having the magic school sounds advantageous and they could maybe offer even better accommodations?


Does anybody want to offer her anything really fantastic or is it like, money and stuff.


Does she have anything in mind?


She'd be so impressed if some country managed to get all the way to not being horribly shitty to its reds! SO impressed.


Several countries don't think they are horribly shitty to their reds.


And are they?


This place has red jails. This place lets reds report crimes. This place did the thing with replacing social workers with cameras. This place had a riot and didn't kill all the rioters.


That is indeed less shitty. It isn't not shitty, and moving from Anitam would be hard (she'd have to learn the language to get along unaccompanied, she'd have to learn local regulations, she'd have to adjust her curriculum, it'd impose costs on all the kids who have studied Anitami and aren't language geniuses).


What would count as not shitty.


She asks Aitim what nice, easy to understand, concrete terms for "you know, NOT SHITTY" might look like.


"Rates of extrajudicial violence comparable to those experienced in communities with a comparable crime rate, adequate prenatal nutrition and access to the resources to train their own doctors and provide their own medical care, reflected in childbirth and infant mortality rates comparable to impoverished clean people, enforcement of contract law so that people have to pay them for their work, answers to the questions 'what do our reds want from their government' and 'how are we responsibly incentivizing good behavior among our reds'."


"How do people track the red crime rate?"


"Any country which doesn't have a record of all police complaints and what resulted from them isn't going to impress you otherwise. Most places do. The crimes will include stuff like 'making noise' and 'touching things', of course."


Maurabel publishes this list. She's not making any promises - after all, it is possible that multiple countries would suddenly do all these things at once, and there is only one of her! - but they would be So Impressive and would definitely at least get you lots of Shadow-finding help and free air artifacts even if she cannot put her school in you.


Ugh. Some places try. 


Can she hire a red auditor to look at the evidence they have to present?


There aren't red auditors. Auditing is yellow.


But this is red-themed auditing, doesn't that make it red? Reds do things having to do with reds.


Reds do things that involve touching reds; this doesn't.


The job could involve traveling to the audited countries' red districts and seeing how they are!


How much is she paying?


What does that have to do with anything?

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