Template: Golarion
All Characters
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Abadar trade-you-for-it
Absalom Docks bounty-of-the-sea
Adanye hospitable-warmth
Arundhat lady-of-petals
Asmodeus contract?
Bastet lady-of-cats
Bes shield-of-love
Bolka to-join-forever
Calistria lust-and-vengeance
Cayden Cailean the-lucky-fool
Cihua Couatl two-sides
Desna dream-well
Eleena Woodsong artistic-thesis
Erastil the-simple-life
Galamere step-right-up
Goodmiss Alidane the-young-scion
Gorum you-and-him-fight
Gozreh leaf-me-alone
Gruhastha more-to-learn
Guyton Grerton lift-together
Hathor joy-and-plenty
Iomedae win-over-evil
Irori master-thyself Golarion
Kazutal mother-jaguar
Kofusachi more-for-everyone Golarion
Lady Dyrianna favor-of-wasps
Lady Xerashir sleeping-angel
Lamashtu mother-of-monsters
Milani always-hope
Nethys up-on-the-premise Golarion
Norgorber blackfingers
Osirion slow-and-stable
Pen free-press
Pharasma judgment-not-justice
Qi Zhong medicine-for-the-soul
Quar look-at-yourself
Sarenrae all-can-heal Golarion
Sarielle Avirzaden consequences-ensue
Shelyn art-and-love Golarion
Tephu city-of-scribes osirion, Golarion
The Firebrands freedom-burns
Urgathoa just-a-little-bit-more
Uvuko make-anew
Yuelral herbs-and-crystals
Zon-Kuthon suffer-and-die

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Hiatused Has Warnings Just Deserts [1 2 3 ... 26 27 28] OTC Selfthreads Far-Flung Goddess 686 by Evenstar
Complete Has Warnings A Proper Love Goddess [1 2 3 ... 60 61 62] OTC Selfthreads Far-Flung Goddess 1527 by Evenstar