extent_of_foxes's Characters
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Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
_◴𝆺𝅥 Misc Pathfinder emergent-place pathfinder
/—✶∆ Misc Pathfinder law-goes-zoooom pathfinder
Advocate for Maelstrom Misc Pathfinder if-you-don't-like-me-wait-five-minutes pathfinder
Alia Mordant wear-and-dare Thomassia
Alieta Svabiad Mordant flicker-of-joy Zoë Kravitz pathfinder
Arkesh Misc Pathfinder what-is-withheld-is-lost pathfinder
Barid Current hey-watch-this Enrique Iglesias pathfinder
Calsa Tabby Mordant burning-passion halves
Cara Harlow Cloud a-thousand-slates Antonia Thomas Scholomance
C'Esther Jefferson Mordant all-man's-nyaaowledge c'mellverse
Cloud Cloud yosalakerreh Naomi Watts Harmonics
Cult of Marra Sapling be-artful-and-exponentiate pathfinder
Dario Bonetti Current go-awry Enrique Iglesias
Ellin Reflection proof-by-induction Zawe Ashton pathfinder
Fennel Fennel layanasiki Elliot Fletcher Harmonics
Guðr Misc Pathfinder remains-of-the-day pathfinder
Helene Margossian Reflection nested-macro Zawe Ashton
"hey you" Misc Pathfinder fire-at-will pathfinder
Jake "Fuzzer" Stirling the-stars-do-shine halves
Judge Maxilla Misc Pathfinder sacred-partition pathfinder
Judge Rectibius Misc Pathfinder art-of-petitioner-sorting pathfinder
Kireh Cloud artist's-assistant pathfinder
Korvosa Misc Pathfinder keep-it-real pathfinder
Lakra Cloud ice-is-also-great Arabek
Leone Bonetti Fennel safer-sharp Elliot Fletcher
Lin Kaiet Pali Reflection as-without-so-within halves
Luke Burry Sapling status-quo-bias Scholomance
Lumber Consortium pathfinder
Luthier Kyra Cloud laissez-vibrer Thomassia
Magistrate of Kef Vermilion halves
Marlene Loya Sapling do-it-now-do-it-right Sharon Den Adel
Marra Sapling strict-vanity pathfinder
Marreiris Sapling the-strength-we-made Arabek
Meicona Tialani Vermilion vanity-rules Natalia Dyer pathfinder
Merta Yakorhund Sapling driven-snow halves
Mordant Mordant acalisamia Zoë Kravitz Harmonics
Nasik Eilifson Fennel don't-blame-the-knife Elliot Fletcher pathfinder
Nefanie Neffie underrated-prestiege halves
Neferueten Set | Neffie Neffie rise-and-dine Kirsten Dunst pathfinder
Neffie Neffie deck-the-stacks halves
Nethys pathfinder
Oops I ate my name Misc Pathfinder relentless-hunger pathfinder
Overtones music-used-to-make-me-smile overtones
Oyek Svabiad Emerald never-soft-again pathfinder
Penn Misc Pathfinder damn-them-all pathfinder
Raul Misc Pathfinder good-snek pathfinder
Sabah Bn'kheled Al'misri Cloud movimiento-de-conclusión c'mellverse
Sapling Sapling enlupameritess Sharon Den Adel Harmonics
Siki Miller Fennel stylus-incisive halves
Tephania Misc Pathfinder it-will-be-fun-they-said pathfinder
The Events laid-plans Thomassia
Those Fucking Guys Misc Pathfinder
Tomas Tevit Thomas Devitt useless-brat halves
Tos Devet Thomas Devitt iron-and-copper James Yaegashi pathfinder
Treeshaper, Snailhost, Poet Misc Pathfinder no-genre-specified pathfinder
W'Marit Opravolk 402-19-5 Sapling packed-decimal c'mellverse