Buss and Grey Cats

Lord Buss is a god of imagination and metafiction (and also a big idiot), in charge of the Grey Cats, a multiversal organization, and they like to intervene everywhere.

Hiatused Has Warnings For once we're here on your behalf [1 2 3 4 5] Combustion 124 by nandwich
Buss being himself in Golarion.
Hiatused Has Warnings somebody strong and brave and handsome – maybe a prince – not someone like me Combustion 0 by RationalMoron
Buss becoming Buss through the Mary Sue Notebook, instead of in some other way (though all ways are simultaneously true).
Hiatused Has Warnings "Infinite" status Sandboxes 3 by Frgm
Buss is one of many metaphysical entities visiting an astral diner.