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The Eldar take marriage very seriously. The reaction from everyone will be "we are honored to have you as a sister". They'll yell at me later, and not that much absent any reason to think either of us did something wrong or deceptive rather than merely reckless.



Um. Human. Don't do the soul thing. I really don't think we qualify as married yet.


No, no, we're not. We are definitely- I wouldn't spring that on you, and there are traditions I'll want to follow and you presumably have some too. But we're going to be here for decades, right? My species is supposed to be the ones who are patient by nature and I am not inclined to wait that long.


Point. I'd rather invite people who are not my sister but I suppose as long as she's there I can cope; I'd rather have a proper wedding and I'm not sure how that would happen--maybe we could pick a high-traffic day and announce that everyone currently in the bar is invited.

Andreth mentioned that she thought--well, that Aegnor had thought--humans could do the soul thing if they specifically appealed to Eru or something. Even if that works I'm not sure I want it at all and certainly not until Morgoth ceases to be an issue on the off chance it obviates the free will thing but a non-soul-bindy marriage is something else entirely.


It might be intent-governed. If you don't want to risk what I'm pretty sure would be a one-way soul bond thing then we should probably be more careful.


Oh, if it's one-way I have a hard time imagining how it could interfere with my free will.


No one's done this but I am pretty sure it would be. Free will isn't supposed to be changeable. The effects are supposed to be pretty nice and if you like them you can copy the bits you like.


Sensible. So Maitimo--Illia found out his real name I forget how--isn't going to kill us before we have a chance to throw books at his feet in appeasement and run away?


He doesn't like the name anymore. The Enemy used it with him, and in any event it means 'the beautiful'. Bit cruel. He is going to give me a look of terrible disappointment and somehow with your strength I shall weather it.



I apologize. Maedhros, then. I should have asked.


I very much appreciate the sentiment that leads you to learn the Quenya. As kids we called him Nelyo, I do not think he minds that one.


Probably be inappropriate for me to pick up. What's it mean?


It's a shortening of his fathername, Nelyafinwe, which he does not like. Nelyo he likes.


Should I not ask what his fathername means? I mean. Aside from the obvious, I suppose.

I definitely want to know what your name means.


Nelyafinwe means "third of the house of Finwe" - that is, it means Nolofinwe shouldn't be in the succession. My father had the subtlety of a stampeding herd of dinosaurs.




He sends some mental images. They're awesome.


You have living dinosaurs? They're extinct in my world!


Valinor has every kind of thing that ever walked or flowered in Arda.


Nnng I need to visit someday. After I've overthrown the Valar. Illia can bask in the pretty and you can show me dinosaurs.


I think you should expect that warring with the Valar will destroy Valinor. Their selves are very woven into it.


Aw, man. What if I just get strong enough to throw them all in a box or something without hurting them or something.


Hard to guess. You could teleport the dinos out first?


I'm going to make a list of as many things I should teleport out as possible. Including the dinosaurs. You know, scientists have been arguing for decades what killed the dinosaurs; if there's a world in which the answer is me I--well, no, I could totally live with myself, but it would be annoying.


It'd be pretty incredible.

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