Kiri in Arda
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Perhaps there's a sensible limit that stops you from blowing up a sizable chunk of the planet with your powers, she says. I'd rather hope there was. 


I don't know. Sweela primes don't all work the same way and seldom have reason to test how hot we can make things.


What other power sets can come with the Sweela prime?


My great-aunt claimed that her only mental power was detecting lies - at better range than I have on anything mental - and typically didn't use her fire powers for anything other than actually setting things on fire at whatever temperature they naturally burn, though I don't know if that was all she could do.



There'd be cause to lie about the mind-altering powers, though, if she had any. 


Yes, this has occurred to me. I have no way to find out and no evidence either way beyond her word and my own very different powers.


Hopefully anyone who inherits it from you will be better-informed. 


I kept better notes. Although anything I'd add to them based on these experiments will likely not make it back to Welce.


I hope you don't feel there's no cause for optimism. The Valar are probably very busy trying to decide how they can help fight the Enemy without shattering the continent between them, but they should have the power to aid you. 


She is glowing quite brightly, now. Still not close to the threshold where I'd worry about atoms you heated misbehaving. 


How hot would that be?


I don't know how to describe it in units of temperature. Maybe the same distance from here to there as from ambient temperature to here. 


I might hit a limit before that, I don't know. I've never even been near anything this hot before. Hotter hotter hotter.


I think I shall stop you well short of it. The explosion could be harder than I expect to contain and kill you and perhaps others. 


...okay, do feel free to stop me whenever that becomes a problem.


I am a very cautious person by nature, don't worry. Experimenting is not temperamentally suited to me but protecting my people is and this may be necessary. I'll err very strongly in the direction of safety. 


And eventually - we should stop there to be safe. 


Okay. So if I have a limit, it's above that. You want another ambient temperature restore?


I think I'll just dissolve this body, I like having nerve endings and joints and senses and so forth. Ready to head in? And the body vanishes like smoke in the wind. 


Okay. Kiri goes back.


Sorry that couldn't be more useful to you. 


It was still helpful, thank you very much.


I am not sure you could get close enough to the Enemy for long enough to do him harm. 

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