Lúthien in Rewind
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"I'm not positive that now that they know of it the Valar and Maiar can't pass between dimensions at will. But I agree that it does not seem an especially likely outcome."


"...that'd be concerning, I kinda want them quarantined, they seem to, you know, suck, but at least Maximum Bad News Vala is dead now. Lúthien, guesses on how much of a problem we have next time you make eye contact with your folks?"


"I don't think they'll declare war on earth. If they thought you forced me or something, sure, but that's so implausible on so many levels that even my father can't be that paranoid."


"...so it is in fact possible to overestimate his paranoia, good to know."


"Only barely, but yeah."


"What do you think, get it over with or put it off as long as possible?"



"Get it over with? If they aren't speaking to me we at least have lots of work to distract ourselves. Also it solves the problem of how to communicate that our planet is, uh, friendly to that sort of thing." She looks uncertainly at Maedhros.


"I have never had the pleasure of meeting your parents," he says.


"Yeah, I know, just more practice at -"

"If we were discovered we had a lot of lies planned to mitigate the impact and were still expecting to be forced to swear never to touch each other again."



Bella opens her mouth and realizes she has no way to communicate how distressing that sounds and closes it again.


"It would not be the most important thing either of us sacrificed to win the war."


"...I believe that, but it's sort of personally offensive in a way that generic war factors are not."


"No argument there."


"...anyway, chocolate is delicious but we are pretty likely to go get legally married in Canada or just on our own planet eventually, with a party and stuff, and I'm inclined to invite you if you'd like to come so you can have more notice."


"I have no idea if it will be politically feasible for me to come but I will at least take advantage of the advance notice to commission a much more suitable present. If you have a style in mind for crowns for co-Empressing your planet I can have them done stunningly, and enchanted with all kinds of things Empresses would find useful - lie detection, noticing illusions and invisibility, deflection of miscellaneous projectiles, depending how magical girl telekinesis works our kind of magic might be able to boost it -"


"Ooh, magic crowns! I had not actually gotten around to thinking about crowns yet and Lúthien's probably got both better and more exacting taste than I have."


"It probably shouldn't look too Noldorin."


"I will see that it does not."


"I think you'd rock something tiara-style," Bella remarks, looking speculatively at Lúthien's forehead.


She glows adoringly at Bella.



Maedhros sends a few designs he's seen back home.


Crown design is fun! Bella favors circlets for herself. Something that'll go with the magical girl outfit, since she's in that most of the time, so silver or platinum and gems that match her soul.


He doesn't know just the design, but he knows just the designer. They'll have very nice wedding presents. Possibly anonymously, depending how politics are shaking out here.


"Thank you."


"My pleasure. I assume that's not what you dropped by here for?"


"No, we're just here to give the palantiri back."


"Ah. Yes, I suppose you wouldn't need them. Thank you.


If you don't mind my asking - how?"


"The way Elf soul marriage works is very unclear to me and I suspect saying 'the usual way' and giggling is not what you are looking for."

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