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"Forty thousand. People were leaving to get wood, to get water, to go hunt. Someone should have seen the bow but no one has come forward."




"I'm going to speak with her privately. I don't expect to get anywhere, but I think it's worth trying."


"Be careful; there's still the possibility that she has it in for you too."


"Nothing would delight me more than if she attacked me while we spoke; that'd clear up the whole mess marvelously."


"Sure, but don't let her kill you, I can't fix that."


"Could most Asgardians do that unarmed in a few seconds?"


"We are substantially stronger than you, but no, it'd be hard. If she's really unarmed she'd have to be very lucky to do more than put out an eye. I just wouldn't assume she's definitely unarmed."


"You know, if Fëanor managed to sneak a prisoner he was purporting to have under guard for attacking him a weapon she then immediately used to kill me I think I'd actually just be impressed when we met up in Mandos." He shakes his head. "I will take that under advisement, though."


"I'm pretty sure nothing that convoluted was going on; they just might have missed something small when they took her eight foot tall bow."


He nods. " to make someone invisible so they can be present in the room without her knowledge, and able to intervene if something like that's the case?"




And he starts walking towards the building where she's being held.


Loki follows, presuming he will collect someone for her to turn invisible en route.


He collects Findekáno, presumably communicating privately the reason why. "Thank you, Loki."


"You're welcome." And now Findekáno is invisible.


"I would also appreciate if you could make it impossible to hear inside the building. That's part of why standard Eldarin construction uses so much stone, but it hasn't yet been feasible."




He nods, opens the door, and closes it behind him. There are a lot of eyes on them, but everyone looks away after a second.


Loki hangs out near the outside of the building so Findekáno won't have to be prolongedly invisible past necessity and does spellwork. She's beginning to question the utility of attaching her notes to a physical notebook at all; it has finite pages which aren't exactly perfect onionskin thinness and it's not like she couldn't turn pages in a completely illusory notebook, she just wouldn't use her hands...


It's an hour before the door opens and they come out.


She has in that time made herself a completely illusory copy of all her notes and resumed spellwork with it floating before her. She turns Findekáno visible again. "How'd it go?"


"It was interesting," Nolofinwë says. "No attempts were made on my life. She got the bow outside of camp herself, earlier." No, she didn't. I'm going to see if anyone gets less cautious.


Smart. "I suppose if forty thousand people could have got in and out without being noticed it's not so much of a stretch if she managed it alone. Do you want the sound baffle to stay?"


"Yes, thank you. When we've settled people may actually ask for soundproofed homes in general. In Valinor it was considered a luxury. Would you care to join us for dinner?"

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