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Tailors, grocers, shoemakers, glassblowers, ceramics, minor magic items.


Cool. Would some Men like to operate a store full of telescopes and microscopes and clocks and singing rocks for her?


Some Men would love to.


Duping items is fast as long as she has substrates, and only the 'scopes are even slightly complicated to substrate. (Some Men would probably also love to make microscope and more sophisticated focusable telescope armatures than the 'a stick' kind.) Here's a stock. Have fun.


And now the city square has bars and music shops and restaurants and jewelers, and the Elves seem more at home.

Good for the Elves.

As long as nothing seems urgent to address Men-wise maybe she should look up the next girl on her list next time she wants downtime.

The Men seems fine and no one has said anything disapproving about her Glorious Battle festival behavior.


Cool. So where is this next girl...?


The Elves have named the through streets and numbered the cross streets and Loki could just go knock on her door but maybe that's rude or something.


...she has no idea. Maybe she'll find the first one and ask her what the protocol is on stargazing that does not coincide with parties.


She and Toyon still hang out a lot, easy enough to run into her.


So Loki catches her when she's on her way out of the Men quarter. "Hey, etiquette question. What do I do precisely with all these addresses if I do not catch their occupants at a party, or do I just wait for parties."


"Huh? No, how infrequently do you think we - send a note, ask when she's free or something."


"I had no idea how infrequently to think you. Note it is, thank you."


"They say there are married couples that settle into a lovely one-a-century. Us, less so, and also we could all die or something that's rather motivating."


"Gotcha. Wow, those poor married couples, that's pushing it even for Quendi."


"Think about the folks whose spouses didn't make the trip, huh?"


"Yeah, that's worse."


"The King doesn't seem likely to ever relax about remarriage but maybe someday he'll relax on adultery or something, assuming in a few thousand years Valinor is still very much not speaking with us."


"In a few thousand years I'm hoping everyone can just emigrate to more liberal planets if they like."


She raises an eyebrow. "If the war is over and we're not needed, visit definitely. But I don't know that he'll be in the mood for another emigration, and we're his, through thick and thin."


"As you prefer."


"Catch you later, Loki."


And Loki sends the next girl a note.

"I'm off early - sunset - on Lokiya, want to stop by then? I got an indoor waterfall in my place, I've had a bunch of people over to look."

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