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"... All right. Do you have an opinion on whether or not I wake you if you're dreaming of unpleasant moments?"


"I don't want to disrupt your sleep or upset you! But I don't think I can avoid them, so getting them over with - and in particular not selectively waking me up only when its those and risking me eventually having no memories to recover except the aborted stuff about the pox so I'm guaranteed a night of that every time I go to sleep - seems best if you can live with it."


"Fair enough. We'll see, I don't think I can predict how I feel until it becomes relevant."



They're falling into bed together for the first time and it's clumsy and giggly and they love each other so much -

She's scootering to her favorite restaurant -

She can't move her arms anymore, she's letting him feed her broth, it's hard to swallow while lying on her back but he'll get so worried if she doesn't eat -



Aydanci is mercifully asleep. He'd hug Kib if he could, but they'll both have to settle for 'slightly cramped bed' enforced sleep snuggles.


And eventually awake snuggles.


Aydanci is barely functional in the mornings, but he can snuggle just fine.

Kib did not in fact remember this, but he's not in a pressing hurry. ...Though he does want breakfast. He will just go clonk around in the kitchen and make breakfast. And nip into the box of notebooks to see if he can - aha. And he will make Aydanci tea.

... Aydanci has the odd urge to cry upon being made tea.

Can he snuggle Kib while doing that?

Awwww. Yeah of course he can.

Excellent. Good.

After that is done they can get ready and see about retrieving the Elves, or something.

"I can probably telepathy the Elves from here, but if they haven't come to see what's taking us so long yet it's probably a good time to pack and get things sorted out in case the Valar decide to be hypocrites in one way and not the other?"


"They are likely giving us space, so even if they think we're taking a while..." He trails off.

"And they may be busily taking advantage of the fact that they can hold hands in public," Kib shrugs. "I can let them know we're awake though." Testing testing. We are awake and breakfasted but not packed etcetera.


We're not in a hurry, Maitimo says. Especially if he's coming for more than a few days; is he?


Asking. "Do you want to plan to stay for more than a couple days even if the Valar are all, 'no, today we suck slightly more than usual'...?"


"Sure. ... Do I need to disguise the fact that I am incredibly in love with you if I do? Because I think I will not be very convincing."


Kiss. "We're trying to sell them on 'we are married and there is nothing you can or should do about that', so that should not be necessary."


Kiss! "All right."


Yeah, he will stay a bit even if the Valar decide to suck especially, as long as in your expert opinion neither of us will be dragged to Lórien.


They don't do that involuntarily. They really don't. They might suggest you switch genders, I suppose, but they won't force that point either.


It would not be plan A. I'm doing all this lovely not compromising on things. "They're not in a hurry. What-all have you got in progress that needs to be handed off or wrapped up?"


"I have some notes on updated medical golem instructions that should be at some kind of stopping point before being sent out. Not necessarily finished, just - it should make sense to people that aren't me. And then making sure my bills are paid in advance and that there isn't any food that will spoil while I'm gone, so on."

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