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And eventually Kib's really tired.


So they head back to the palace and Maitimo shows Kib his guest room, which is ridiculously pretty, and sets his purchases there, and says he regrettably has some actual work to do tomorrow but can send Kib a guide.


"Thank you very much for everything," Kib says.


"We have not even ended death in your world yet!" he says. "But thank you, too, and good night."


And Kib sleeps.
Aly has put the finishing touches on her scooter. It zooms and turns just as she tells it to, and as long as she avoids bumps she can go quite fast. If her attention wanders it glides to a halt, out of magically imposed momentum; she gave it three wheels so she can sit on it stopped instead of having to kick out a leg -

Aly did not take the last chocolate puff, she didn't, she didn't, it was one of the other apprentices -

Aly is teaching her new co-prentice to move shines -
- these dreams are so weird.


Breakfast has been delivered to his room on a plate that is still warm.


...magic plate or eerie ability to predict sleep schedules? Well. Food. Nom.


Magic plate, probably, because it's also warm when he's done eating. The palace is full of graceful tall pretty robed people sweeping by; some of them are speaking and many of them are singing.


He peers around, and then goes and does some notebooking in his guest room for the time being.


Maitimo stops by about midmorning to apologize again for having to work, introduce one of his servants who can be a guide, and bring the clothes in Kib's size that should tide him over until his own are all done being tailored. They are indeed pants. They are very soft to the touch and very elaborate.


Well, at least they're pants. He slept in the ones he arrived in and should change now.


He doesn't take that as a cue to leave; it's not like Kib is washing his hair or something. But after wishing him a peaceful and productive day he leaves anyway, because he is juggling quite a few projects at the moment.


...what about the guide, is he going to leave for a minute?


If Kib would like, the guide will confusedly leave a minute.


Kib emerges in his borrowed clothes. Do people just change in front of each other here?


Yes. Is that not common where you are from?


Not past age four or five.


We like beauty, the Eldarin body is beautiful. People don't go around unclothed because it'd be very inconvenient, but there is no effort to avoid seeing people unclothed.


That is... a perspective. I guess you sexualize hair and we sexualize nudity.


That sounds about right. Maitimo said your hair is like that on purpose?


If it gets much longer it'll get in my eyes and I don't want it long enough to braid because it'd plaster itself to my neck in the summer and it's a gender marker in my culture to have short hair.


I am entirely in favor of everyone wearing their hair as they wish.


Me too. - I'm going to need to shave soon.

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