Deskyl and DZ among space debris
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A beautiful, icy voice emanates from every direction--whispering right into the ears of nearby legionnaires even as it echoes from speakers elsewhere in the cloister.


She seems to be saying something slightly different to each of her masked vassals, though it's hard to tell amidst the sudden din.

Only one set of words clearly reaches those not wearing masks: "Is she still a threat?"


"She's arranging to avoid this danger in the future, Ma'am."


"Did Deskyl... did she..?"


(In compliance with whispered instructions, legionnaires move about in the background.)


DZ nods to Nilam, and speaks quietly, calmly: "It was an accident. Deskyl was having a nightmare, and she tried to come into the room, and she thought she was attacking her."


", what happens now?"


"That's up to Deskyl and Saru."


"Were Deskyl pledged to me, I would kill her for this lapse."


"But she didn't do it on purpose!"




"That's why she is not mine to take. I am only entitled to the lives of those that willingly make themselves my servants or willingly make themselves my enemies."


    "Thank you, Ma'am."

Deskyl reappears in the doorway, looking frazzled.


"DZ-12-Q. Please instruct Deskyl to explain her actions in as much detail as she can provide, and then translate her exact words for all present to hear."


DZ translates. Deskyl sighs.

    "She says: There isn't very much to explain. I had a nightmare, and thought that I was being attacked. I didn't realize where I was or what was actually happening until it was already done. The mistake that I made was before that, not realizing that I would need to take extra precautions around your Legionnaires, who look very much like the other kind of magic user, who the Sith are at war with, to my emotion sense; I believed that my lack of personal experience with them would be enough to let me avoid reacting. I'm sorry, and I've already modified my sword so that it will use a nonlethal setting unless I specifically intend for it not to, so that this can't happen again."


"I see."


"Tell her that she has not made herself my enemy, but that she has made herself unwelcome in my house."



    "Yes, Ma'am."


"I am presently making arrangements for your departure. Please gather your belongings, move to the cloister's outer gate, and await further orders."


"Yes, Ma'am."

She relays this to Deskyl, then turns to Nilam. "Are you all right?"




(Emotion Read: No.)



    "You can come with us, if you want to talk to Deskyl about it. If Saru allows it."



"It should be Culamine's choice. She'll be here in not too many degrees, and when she is she may permit her vassals to visit Deskyl if she wishes to."



"I understand."


    "Yes, Ma'am."


    "We need to go. Stay safe, we'll be in touch when we can. We're going to the unpledged holdings next, I think."


Nilam nods.

She is still a little hung up on the fact that she recently back-talked a dragon (not just any dragon, the very scariest dragon) and is not feeling particularly chatty.



    Devika, next: "We need to go, Ma'am."




Devika follows DZ out into the hall.

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