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Sparkles in Tileworld
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"I'm not big on self-knowledge, you know? No idea who that would be. Congratulations again for you, though."


"Thanks! Anyway, I'm looking into get-rich-quick-with-personal-magic schemes, and I heard about these rare enchantment supplies one might acquire through knowing a guy, and I was wondering if you were a guy."


"...Suppose so. Hm. Okay, I can do you this favor. Shouldn't tell you how I'm connected, but if you come back to Windvale tomorrow and find someone named Clara Alta who works at the foreign exchange division of the Empire Imports Group, she'll know to take you reasonably seriously."


"Is time of day relevant?" How long can I spend with my gorgeous mate before having to leave? is what she means.


"Normal working hours. Sooner's probably better if you mean to have a long discussion."


"...would I need a long discussion? All I really want is to, like, see the things and have an idea what they are."


"I, uh, don't think anyone with access to rare, difficult stuff will want it to happen that way without a signed contract first."


"What would such a contract say? 'I promise not to break any markets'?"


"Depending on how they jump, 'I promise to not to provide large quantities of ingredients for our competitors at below market rates' or 'I will pay 10% royalties to such and such for one year.' And probably testing on less-rare items first to make sure it will even work."


"Those sound like reasonable terms."


"You'll have to work it out with whoever Clara sends you up the chain to. All I know is that it's going to be high stakes and I'm glad not to be more involved."


"Really? High stakes? That sounds kinda fun."


"Some of these things are small enough mini-markets that you personally really could actually crash them. Yeah, high stakes."


"Wow. Even with all the people, and surface area, you guys have?"


"Transit is not instantaneous. That fact is how I make a living. Maybe not planewide, but for a while for a big area, yeah."


"I guess. Well, at worst I'll just do something else instead, I don't need to join a mini-market of ridiculously rare goods to get rich."


"Oh, I bet they'll lean towards trying to get rich off of you. Just, like I said, kinda higher stakes than I want to be deeply involved with."


"Mmhm. Well, thanks, I'll figure it out and might go to Windvale tomorrow."


"And I'd better get back to luxuriating in the remains of your generosity."




"I'll have to show you the ship when I'm done. Bye."



So: art shops and furniture stores?


...Have a wide variety of wooden objects, and owners readily available to talk to about supplying some more to them.


She would like to supply more of them!


Most of the art shops do slow enough business that they're not really interested.

This one furniture store smells money in the air. Replicate this chair for a down payment of 200 Kava?

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