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Sparkles in Tileworld
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How much does the chair originally cost?


They've labelled it as 299. It's not a very elaborate, or even good, chair.

They don't want to tell her how much they bought it for but insist that 50% markup from suppliers is far from uncommon.


Eh, alright.

Here, have a chair.


Here, have 200 Kava.

"How much complexity can you handle? How much speed? Any biological material includes things such as feathers for padding, cloth, and leather?"


"More than human senses can differentiate, I'm—" she runs to the other side of the room and back "—about this fast, and yes to all of those."


"Okay, here's the deal. I can get you about forty thousand in an hour on items I have in stock to copy, fifty thousand in an hour if you're willing to throw a little creativity at it. I'll be giving you about 60% of what they'll sell for. Or if you're willing to take a lower per-unit rate I can take you to the warehouse and you can be a millionaire by sunset."


"Being a millionaire by sunset does sound appealing."


"I have a supplier contract with blanks in my office, I'll be right back. Do you have a legal identity for any of the local governments?"


"Nope, haven't gotten around to that yet."


"No matter, fair folk are nigh un-sueable anyway. Just mind that your money only comes once I see the goods in front of me, this way."


"Nigh un-sueable, really? Why?"


"Their councils aren't bothered by trade sanctions or political pressure. Criminal procedures against 'em are fairly reliable even so but a lot of them don't really seem to like the idea of contracts and money."


"Well. I like the idea of contracts and money, and having an official identity sanctioned by the government would probably be useful for that."


He shrugs. "Go to the ward office near the university?"


"Yeah I'll do that. Come see you after?"


"Don't underestimate the power of bureaucracy. 'After' might be a while."


"—can I sign a contract without a legal identity, or on the way to getting one?"


"Yes, but it won't be a proper one unless we edit in your numbers later."


"Mm, alright, then. I'm in. I'm gonna inform my mate of this and grab some books so I don't die of boredom, be back in about half an hour?"


"I'll be here."


So she goes to find her mate, who should probably be having lunch about now?


He probably should be having lunch, but really he's in the registrar's office, asking if there's any way to have a spot saved for a few years down the line. No he would not like to drop out now, he wants to know the options. Okay, thanks, that's very helpful.

Now lunch.


She lands nearby. "Hey."


"GYA- Hi. No I was definitely not surprised. Um."


Okay but he is so cute she might just have to kiss him.

Except, you know, she won't, without asking: "Caaaan I kiss you, because you are just the most adorable, gorgeous thing in the universe."

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