Annie at the end of all things
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"Slowly losing a war against an evil god is very upsetting."


They can go back upstairs now if they'd like.


She doesn't remember having been happy like this in a really long time.


It's very important and good that Rirosseth be happy.


And that Annie be happy. But the two go together.


This is such a nice honeymoonlike thing.


It really is. A nice long one, too.


Until someone has an idea for a really efficient lifesaving use of artifact effect powers there's nowhere else they need to be!


They could sell miracle cures to rich people, but then they run the publicity problem; they could assembly-line-mosquito-repellant without attracting too much attention but there are some consent issues there; anything really efficient involves going public.


And figuring out how to do that requires more knowledge of the world than Annie has or has managed to put together yet. (She does manage the occasional foray onto the internet between being ensconced in Rirosseth's room but it's not very systematic.)


Rirosseth's thinking about it. If there are still Elves, they probably still remember and hate her and her sisters; Annie might be a better public face of magic existing, even if the Elves'll think it's odd when magic songs and jewelry are among the things she's teaching.


"I mean, I could tell the truth about reincarnating and having lived with Dwarves and then in Valinor for four hundred years and stuff."


"And just leave Fëanorians out of the story? That might work."


"Yeah. Landed in Sirion, did not die there, omit mention of time between then and Khazad-Dûm, joined up with the host of the Valar and went to de-oath orcs, let them assume I learned to do jewelry and songs then... the music allergy complicates this."


"Complicates teaching the songs? You could release them over the internet..."


"I mean my story looks weird if I claim to have been acting alone to anyone who then finds out about how prohibitively difficult that would make the songs part."


"It'd be safe enough to say you knew Eliel."


"I suppose. Do people not know who raised her?"

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