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book 6 Vanyel meets pathfinder
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"You all right, Van -"


“Think so - gods, that wasn’t ideal... Should I Farsee around? Um, and I can hold us at the surface with a force-net while I do that.”


"I think that's a good idea. Hopefully you can see Sothis and Absalom and then I can put us back with Hagan and Yfandes, and if we're instead - in Velgarth or something? I don't know how that would've happened - we can at least pick out a good place to Teleport to." He remains hovering above the surface, using magic to dry off his clothes. He's shivering. 


Vanyel can give them a heat-spell, that’s very easy, and heft himself and Fazil out of the water with a bowl-shaped force net, and then he closes his eyes and tries to Farsee Sothis.


That's Sothis! Dome and sprawling tall buildings and markets and canals and all.


“We’re good, I found Sothis.”


"Oh, good," he says wearily, and then Teleports them back to where Hagan and Yfandes are waiting.


:Are you all right - how did it go?:


”Um. Bit more of an adventure than I’d hoped. We got our elemental home safely now, though, and maybe learned something about how Plane Shifts go wrong in interesting ways.”


:Oh?: Yfandes looks over at Mahdi and Fazil.


"It dropped us like a mile underwater when we came back. Which wouldn't have been a problem if we'd been confident we were back, but I was a bit worried the spell failed or something. Plane Shift usually doesn't do that - well, Plane Shifts from Axis never do that -"


"I'm curious whether, should we decide to attempt our plan to get to Velgarth by going over Air, we'll appear several miles up in Velgarth's atmosphere or something. There is also the possibility it was just a random fluke."


"Well, congratulations on not dying."


"I do my best." Mahdi flops on the sand. "We can head back into the palace...tomorrow, I guess, since I burned a bunch of spells for this and so did Fazil."


"We should maybe pick up the pace if Van wants to get his soulmate resurrected before you retire."


"New worlds are a pretty good reason to delay retirement. But - yeah, we should pick up the pace."


“Um, sorry - I can Gate us back? If you have a Delay Pain again. It helps a lot, last time the backlash wasn’t even bad enough to wake me whenever it kicked in.”


"I have it. Let's take a short rest, eat lunch, and then if you want to drop us back down there so we can keep exploring that sounds good."


“Sure, that’s really short range, sounds fine.” He’s not magically tired, because Lesser Restoration is great, but he is hungry.


They can have lunch.

"I don't see how going over Air to Velgarth works unless we have something attuned to the plane of Velgarth."


"One, I can maybe work with Van on attuning something to the plane of Velgarth, and two, I'm not sure Velgarth is in a different plane. It's got the same neighboring planes as us, mostly. We've known for a long time that other suns have other worlds around them. Velgarth could be like Androffa or Carcosa or Kasath or Barsoom or Earth. - I looked up the other known worlds last night."


"I've heard of maybe half those. Earth is the one where people did not know about the Elemental Plane of Earth, I take it."


"It's the one Baba Yaga is from. Androffa's the one that built a star-sailing ship that crash landed here. I hadn't heard of the others myself."


“...Huh. Are there books on all that? It’s very complicated.”


"I bought two last night. We should really check in Absalom, which will probably have more of them."

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