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some dath ilani are more Chaotic than others, but
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Carissa will just keep rewarding her Keltham until Contessa Lrilatha shows up. 


It doesn't take her long. She extends her wings to their full fourteen-foot span, casually, as she settles herself in one of the velvet chairs. 


"I request your unambiguous and explicit permission, stabilized by writing that it may be reflected upon and confirmed in further writing, to use an economicmagic of the third standard degree of economicmagic complexity, called 'Suggestion' in Taldane translating to Suggestion in Baseline by this magical means of translation," she says. In Baseline, obviously; it would take too long to say in Taldane, and make Keltham very uncomfortable if spoken in Infernal. "The economicmagic under discussion causes the target's mind to be externally influenced and proceed in such fashion as to end up containing thoughts chosen by the causal originator of the economicmagic, these thoughts being not distinguished to introspection from thoughts arising naturally, morever lending these thoughts a quality by which they seem believable and other thoughts will flow into conformance with them, and if done skillfully and by a powerful caster this may be unnoticed even retrospectively," 


Keltham hopes Carissa has Comprehend Languages prepared, but even if she doesn't, yeah, like hell is he doing this in Taldane.

"This would of course depend on the content and duration of that Suggestion, both as economicmagic proper, and with regards to persistent aftereffects if any."

"In this there is an obvious obstacle, which is that being informed of the exact content of the Suggestion would seem to make it rather harder to work upon me in a fashion that changed thoughts about it would pass through my validity tests and other habitual internal checksums."

"I furthermore remark that the basic purpose of this test is to demonstrate that Cheliax has clearly had powerful options that it properly and deontologically refrained from using on me, to their just credit and credibility.  The more this demonstration would tend to show that I could have been persistently deluded about important matters and great decisions, never triggering in me a moment of reflection and realization sufficient to overcome the spell, the more credit and credibility is thereby due to Cheliax."

"Have you your own suggested resolution to these problem constraints and figures of merit?"


"I propose that you agree to my casting the Suggestion at any point in the ensuing conversation, with the precise nature of the Suggestion not agreed upon in advance, but disclosed to you and dispelled at the conclusion of the conversation, at which point you can introspect on how far you think the Suggestion could have altered your thinking unnoticed. The duration of a Suggestion is, as you should be able to observe from the spell structure, two hours per caster circle. There exist other economicmagics with longer-lasting, or even permanent, effects, but those we do not disclose or demonstrate."


"Clarification, I am not able to deduce full coverage of all dangerous-appearing edgecases from the state of affairs you describe.  Is the primary support against safety edgecases here meant to be the innocuousness of the suggestion, or the thoroughness by which you expect me to be able to notice and rethink those influenced thoughts once the spell is dispelled, or both with each independently sufficient, or both with the two only together sufficient?  And is the means by which my knowledge of this coverage is obtained to be simply your assurance that these are your own expectations with respect to innocuousness, thoroughness of rethinkability, or both?"


(He'll do so well in Hell, if they can get him there.)


"My intent is to use a Suggestion with no far-reaching implications, such that its innocuousness is a sufficient safety precaution, and one that will be notable when pointed out, such that your ability to rethink should be sufficient," says Lrilatha evenly. "I don't know of a method, beyond my assurance with respect to my own expectations, by which you could arrive at satisfaction with the coverage of our approach, but I can enable one if you have one in mind."


Acceptable with appropriate further assurances about these compulsions having no further intended consequences, except those which arise from Keltham's own meta-level reasoning about the demonstration and its effects; and that Lrilatha cannot think of anything which she knows about this spell and its possibilities, which Keltham probably does not, which would probably be an unpleasant surprise to him relevant to the particular casting of it which she will make.


Keltham will remain accepting of all this if it's written down so he can write his acquiescence.


She can offer those assurances! 

"And now, if I may change the subject for the purpose of obscuring when precisely I will cast the Suggestion -- and assuring you, so that this conversation can actually be productive, that I don't intend to cast it to alter your thinking on the actual topic under deliberation, but on a random incidental - I reviewed your proposal for a mouse project to develop male contraception. There are two things that affect uptake in the general population of a new option: how expensive it is, and how much it requires basic capacity to function in the world. For example, a contraceptive option that requires a person to go in once a week for an appointment, even if the appointment is free, will be effective only for the approximately thirty percent of humans who can do something once a week in order to achieve their long term goals."


...Keltham is not actually an Unreasonably Smart Person and can't think about two things at once like that, unless, of course, his belief that he can't think about two things at once is - no any skill like that would've needed to have been developed by practice - is his thought correct that maybe this degree of meta-level distraction is itself what he was suggested into and is going to result in him ignoring something much more obvious -

"I'm sorry, I can try to simul-listen if you keep talking, but you'll probably need to repeat everything after I'm out of my retrospectively inevitable mind control meta-level panic thrashing."


"Of course. There is no rush, and you have a great deal to think about and pay attention to right now," Contessa Lrilatha says evenly in the same tone she's been negotiating in. "Other things are much more important to pay attention to than the person who is going to walk into the room in a moment. I said," and she repeats herself. While she does, the door appears to open, and a gnome appears to enter, trot up to Carissa, and start nibbling on her fingers. 


(This is a higher save DC than it'd be for something easier to overlook, but Contessa Lrilatha is very good at enchantments.)


Yeah, no kidding, he's got to figure out where the mind control is!  Keltham does manage to say back in a distracted way that people need to eat at least once a week so he's not seeing how those people aren't already dead.

(He wouldn't actually say this if not meta-level thrashing, wait, is saying stupid things without internally editing them better maybe what he was suggested into -)


Well, you know, if you don't eat you get hungry, if you forget your contraception appointment all the consequences are longer-term than that. She thinks that in order to actually improve Cheliax's heredity situation, which they already thought was kind of an emergency and have now based on Keltham's description of dath ilan concluded is even more of an emergency than that, they need something simple enough that people with INT 5 can't mess it up and cheap enough the government can afford to pay for it for them. 

The gnome leaves. 


His meta-level thrashing is starting to calm slightly, as it turns out that most of the burst of things he tries panickedly to do get marked as unproductive (unless of course that was the Suggestion) but still it's quieting down.  He feels like he can respond to this on sheer reflex if he can talk in Baseline.

"Civilization had that, too high on tech ladder, obviously I've been thinking about how to jump it with magic but I know too little magic.  Need to make a material with persistent strange properties, teleport it into an exact part of male anatomy."  Wait was he not supposed to reveal that without being paid - no it shouldn't be that, that has persistent consequences beyond the meta-level -


She nods. "I'm going to cast Dispel Magic now." And she does so. "The Suggestion that I made to you was to consider it uninteresting that, while we were having a very important conversation, a gnome appeared to enter the room and nibble Carissa's fingers."


"SHIT!" Keltham yells in Baseline.


He quickly calms himself.

"...yeah, okay, if you can do that for hours at a time, indefinitely renewed, you could've fucked with me impressively and without needing to be elaborate about it.  Good deontology.  Well.  At least one of Cheliax and Asmodeus has good deontology."


"Asmodeus comprehends how agents ought to make interaction among one another possible and has dedicated Himself for the last fifteen years to attempting to bring that knowledge to Cheliax. It is our dearly held hope that, now, He has found a way to say it that mortals can understand. I understand your permission to cast Suggestion, conditional for this experiment, to have been withdrawn, and will not attempt it again without again negotiating your express agreement."


...he should have caught that too.  Yeah, it was fairly implicit in the scope, fairly implicit is not good enough.

Point made.

"May I have your assurance that, to the best of your own knowledge, no spells with a remotely similar function have been cast on me with the exception of the Nidal spell that I resisted during their attack."


"To the best of my knowledge, no spells with a remotely similar function have been cast on you with the exception of the Nidal spell that you resisted during the attack. The number of people who know such spells, and could cast them on you undetected, is not large in Cheliax; I believe that it would be known to me if any of them had cast this spell or any similar one on you, and all of them know that it has been expressly prohibited by Asmodeus, beyond such prohibitions as apply ordinarily in the ordinary course of Chelish law, which are not trivial."


"To say the implicit explicitly, it is not the case that any third-circle wizard can do this to me, they need to be substantially more powerful to beat whatever resistance I have and do that undetected?"


"That is correct. A third circle wizard attempting this against a fourth-circle cleric would be detected instantaneously, not even retroactively, in more than half of cases, and my best guess is that they would certainly be detected retroactively in virtually all of the rest; detecting the spell retroactively isn't usually considered hard, unless the caster's skill is unparalleled. The degree of skill necessary to cast the spell undetectably with decent reliability is possessed only by myself, the Queen herself, and perhaps a handful of other casters in Cheliax, all of whom are deployed elsewhere. If you would like, your Carissa can be taught the spell so you can experience having it cast on you by a third-circle caster, even a skilled one."


"If that decision isn't urgent I will hold off on it, I try to avoid making impulse decisions about mind control."

"Nor is this next decision an impulsive one.  Carissa Sevar, are you understanding these words?"





"I have, on my understanding of the understanding between myself and Cheliax, some informal credit with the Chelish government in exchange for that not-intended-to-be-proprietary information I have already been providing to you; I call due some small part of that informal credit now, if any such credit is needed."

"I have not yet come to decisions regarding my having children here.  But it has been represented to me by Carissa Sevar that use of the spell 'Alter Self' to male is sufficient to reliably prevent and terminate female pregnancy; I ask you to affirm whether this is so."

"In dath ilan, were a child between us developing within her, either the mother or the father would independently have the legal right to terminate that pregnancy up to half the standard pregnancy-duration, after which it requires consent of both parties."

"I know not what standard legal protections exist here, but I would have a contract negotiated between myself, Carissa, Cheliax, and potentially other female parties to become signatory; which says that, if a pregnancy is not past half the standard duration of pregnancy, I have the right to demand that Carissa Sevar, or other parties to be added, cast 'Alter Self' as needed in my opinion to prevent pregnancies that might have come from me."

"Being a party to this contract may be terminated at will by myself, but by them only after casting 'Alter Self' in a fashion sufficient to prevent any pregnancy that might exist, including latent pregnancies requiring casting after a delay, if those are a thing.  Moreover should the other parties simply refuse to cast that spell, the Chelish government will at my demand terminate that pregnancy at once, by such forcible external means as may be standard, up to and including their death and resurrection if there are no simpler means.  Nor may a party to this contract leave the reach of Chelish Governance without either my consent or having terminated this contract first, including any castings of 'Alter Self' required to terminate that contract."

"If there's anything I missed there in order to have sex safely and without worrying about a child that only one of us wanted, please say so."

"Carissa, if there's anything I'm missing from your own perspective, please say so too."

"It seems also to me that you, Contessa Lrilatha, write these contracts easily and that it is not very much of an informal favor at all, to ask you to write this one in Taldane; but if I am wrong about that and it requires a greater informal favor than I realize, please say so."

The amount of additional anti-child security he can get through any precautions weirder than that does not seem worth mentioning, given both what they can do with Suggestions and haven't, and that if they were being really clever they could've gotten his precious bodily fluids via the oral sex he already had.  You can be more paranoid anywhere, but not all marginal paranoia is marginally useful.

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