Ezekiel Bannister is BORED.

He’s been on a DIET for the past year, because he’s been growing like… something that grows really quickly? Bamboo? - he’s been growing like bamboo. And his mother is so proud of him for being so big and so strong but he needs to be a little less big, and a little less strong, or else he isn’t going to be able to attend school at all.

And then on top of the very unfair DIET making his food boring and his workout routine pointless, he’s supposed to be improving on his existing language repertoire instead of expanding it, and he is BORED of the thirteen languages that he’s already fluent in, and he’s bored with his tutors and he’s bored of the entire New York enclave and he spends long hours running on treadmills and ripping up tissue paper and doing cartwheels and watching movies that he doesn’t, really, like, in search of something interesting to do.

He’s a little nervous, still, about going away to school, but he’s probably going to be okay, and school does not seem like it’ll be very boring, and it might have pretty people in it, and the possibility of encountering pretty people has become increasingly important to him over the past few years. 

He makes it up to six feet tall and down to 148 pounds and even though he’s bigger than every other fourteen year old in his social circle he feels very small, compared to the him inside of his head, and he doesn’t like it one bit. His parents bribe a few kids from outside the enclave into carrying his stuff for him, and he feels even smaller.

He takes a tablet for nausea and his mother frets over him and cries and then he’s somewhere else.