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Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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"We're sixteen, age of consent is sixteen, he's probably busy, and it's a pretty big house, now kiss me," he says, twisting over so he can be more forceful, and pulling Sadde towards him.


Ooh, Sadde is not complaining. More kissing! And now Sadde is aware of the full extent of Theo's thoughts on the matter of his cuteness. Hi, Theo's thoughts.


Hi, Sadde's face. Theo's thoughts are a bit slow right now, on account of kisses.

Theo starts exploring around Sadde's neck too, and his hands start trailing a path under Sadde's shirt.

... These shirts are getting annoying.


Are they? Whatever shall they do about them?


Leave them on, duh.

Oh, what a surprise. Both their shirts have mysteriously found their way onto the floor. That is such a shame.

Now that Theo has more freedom to explore, he's going to make the most of it.


(Click here to skip the explicit content.)

Is he? Why, he might just find out a few differences in Sadde's reactions depending on what he's doing.


Well, he has freedom to use his mouth as well as his hands. How about... nipples?





Well, that seems promising.

His other hand is just trailing along Sadde's chest, not doing much in particular.


Sadde's hands, on the other hand (har), are behind Theo's head and trailing nails on his back.


So long as they're just trailing, that's fine. But since it seems like he has an intention to use them, Theo has an idea.

He runs his nails along Sadde's chest, instead of just his fingertips.


Sadde makes such noises. The way he starts gripping Theo's hair a bit, not painfully, just—subconsciously, should hint at his feelings about what's going on.


And if Theo digs his nails in a bit? Since these are such interesting noises.


More interesting noises!


Exciting interesting noises.

The way that Theo's positioned, Sadde should be able to feel how 'cute' Theo finds him, too.


Yes, he has noticed this fact a while ago. He thinks Theo should get back to kissing him now.


Well in that case, kisses can be had!

Mmm. Kisses. Sadde's great at this.


Yes. Yes he is. He's aware of this thing.

And now it's his hand that's going wandery again, except since it already has a pretty good topographical map of Theo's chest it will need to find new places to explore.



Theo is not objecting to those areas being explored at all. He starts nuzzling Sadde's neck instead, and continues with the nails.


Yesss nails!

Sadde continues his exploration but finds that trousers are too constraining for his tastes.


That's fine, they can go too. Sadde, meet tented boxer briefs.


He is glad at having found this! Boxer briefs are much less constraining and he can play around those.


Yes, yes he can.

More nails: also a thing.


He sure hopes kissing also continues being a thing. While he plays around Theo's boxer briefs. In fact, the nature of this playing might cause them to be... displaced.



... is also okay, after a bit of consideration. But Theo seems a little confused that Sadde's trousers are still a thing, so he removes them.

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