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"That's up to you. I mean, I'm not gonna drag you in after me. But I was just some idiot girl at like - seventeen and I had absolutely no life experience. I did just fine. Better than fine, actually. It's not just - fair to the people that live there, it's... I mentioned Rae was moonlighting as a god of runaways? Because he will not give them an unfair situation. Like, if you need water, the most obvious thing to need in a desert, there will be - hints. To where to find some, to where to go to retrieve it. Shrubs that are only in a certain area, a place with some shade, wind that incessantly goes in a certain direction. It will never be nonexistent or unreachable unless you give up. That sort of thing."


"...Okay, that doesn't sound too bad. What is the death rate like in this desert?"


"From the desert itself? Usually about a dozen or so each year, I'd estimate. It's... Usually not the people that are trying to find refuge, it's the people that aren't and stick to their guns and ignore every sign that there's something that could save them just around the corner."


"Out of how big a population?"


"Estimating it's... ten thousand? Ish? Not counting the caravans?"


"Okay, that's not so bad. Even if I assume you were leaving old age out of your estimate."


"I was. Do you want to leave with me to windy place, or see if there's another option that's better? I won't be insulted if you don't want to come with me, I know it's not for everyone."


"...How long can I convince you to wait while I check this place out a little bit?"


"An hour? Maybe two? If nothing comes up, which, something could. If something does I'll warn you and let you choose then before booking it to do acolyte duties."

"Okay. That's reasonable. Thank you."

Aya starts walking slowly around the area of the bar. There's nobody else in it at the moment. No bartender, no patrons, no waiters, no janitor. There's stairs, over there -

As she passes the bar, a napkin appears by the hand she's trailing along its surface for balance.

It says Welcome.

Aya stares at it.
"Mhm! Let me know if you find anything, I'm kinda curious about this place, too."

She would explore it, but she decides that if it's a permanent feature she will have time to, later. Aya seems to want time to explore her options, and Idania doesn't want to give the impression that there is a magical woman looking over her shoulder as she does it. So, she finds a nice place to sit at the bar, retrieves her necklace, and murmurs to it.

Obligingly, Raezenoth starts telling her about his day.

They have a strange relationship.
"Where did this come from?" Aya asks, aloud.

I'm the bar, replies a new napkin. The first drink is on the house, if you'd like something.

"Hey - uh - I didn't get your name - the bar is magical in some way," says Aya, picking up the napkins and waving them.
"... Is it really? Huh," she says, surprised and looking up from listening to her vial of holy sand. "My name's Idania, by the way."

She informs Rae of what's going on, softly. It's his temple, after all, he should know.

"How is is magical? Is it like... Your brand of magic, or mine? I do not want to be an embroidered acolyte."
"I'm Ayabel, Aya's fine - and I don't know, possibly neither. Excuse me - bar - can you settle the question?"

Neither, confirms a napkin serenely. Also, I am afraid I must disabuse you of the notion that the establishment is a permanent fixture.

Idania gets up to read the napkins. "Um? What, is it going to move? Do I need to leave right now so I don't lose my home forever?"

The door will, says another napkin, remain a suitable exit to the same place whence you came until you allow it to close behind you, at which time the bar will no longer be there.

"Why does it lead to hers and not mine?" asks Aya.

It doesn't. It was she who tried opening it, and her result that she saw. If you wish to go home with her I recommend following her closely on her way out.

"So I guess you could go home, if you want," says Idania. "I'm not sure if you want to, considering, though."

"Again, don't want to walk out into a magic and spend the rest of my life as a cross between a coffee table and a mouse or something. But - Bar, what happens if I stay here?"

It is typically more crowded than this. There are rooms upstairs, which may be acquired with any form of currency, and rooms on the ground floor, which belong to staff who clean, staff the infirmary, work Security, or otherwise assist with establishment operations; sleeping in the main bar area is permitted if these options do not suit. Food and beverages of absolutely all sorts are also available for any form of currency. It is possible to run up an arbitrary tab but generally considered advisable to pay it down now and then.

Then there's another napkin as an afterthought: But the first drink is free.
"Yeah, I figured," she agrees. She reads the next few napkins. "So... Um, bar, will anyone else show up?"

She thinks about the applications of a bar that can sell all sorts of food and drink. Well, at least while she's here, she can experiment with that. Once Aya's situation is decided, anyway, one way or another.
I don't control the comings and goings of the doors or have a way to address whoever does, apologizes a new napkin. Other people may or may not appear while you're here.

"What's involved in getting one of the jobs you mentioned and do they pay outside of access to a room?" Aya asks.

I can hire cleaning staff on my own recognizance, but by and large that comes only with a room, not board. Infirmary and security staff require additional qualifications which I do not think you have at this time.

"...So I can't stay here past when Idania leaves unless I'm planning to starve or experiment with incurring large amounts of debt, and any other way to earn money in here would probably rely on more people showing up and needing something I have, which might or might not happen."

That is approximately the situation, yes.

"My offer to stick around for a few hours stands," confirms Idania. "But after that Rae will probably need me for something. I can maybe pay a bit of a tab if you choose to stay and try your luck for something better, but I don't have tons of money and I can't exactly throw all of it away."

"...Bar, I'd like whatever will keep me capable of exploring my options in Idania's god's desert for the longest period of time while still falling into the free drink category. It would also be nice if it were pleasant-tasting, but the energy content is the important thing."

I rarely have reason to sacrifice taste for other concerns, napkins the bar primly. Aya gets a huge glass of something creamy and purple. It has a straw and an umbrella and chilly condensation forming on the outside of the vessel. She sips it.

"This is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted," she remarks.

"Tempted to have what you're having, but that would be boring. Bar? Something strange and interesting, please? I am curious and I like trying new things. I promise not to get weirded out if it's lime green."


And here is a lime green something smelling of mint and apples and honey and liquor in a sugar-edged glass with a crazy straw.

Idania giggles with delight, and sips it. She finds it new an interesting and tasty. She approves. "This is fantastic, thank you!" Sip, sip.

"So!" she says to Aya. "Want to wait for a while to see if anyone that lives in a fantastic utopia shows up?"
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