At the end of the year, Wilbur copies out letters home in the smallest handwriting he can until his hand is too cramped to move, gives them out to graduating British seniors in exchange for spells.

Hi Phil! (And Mom and Terrence)

Best news out of the way first: I’m alive and well! I’ve started my enclave-alternative for indies, and it’s going even better than I hoped—Niki and Eret from my year are both part of it, and Jay Schlatt who’s a year older, plus his boyfriend Alex. It’s been really helpful! The school put me in honors track, so lots of homework, but it’s interesting work & I’m doing well in all my classes, so no need to worry too much about me! Looking forward to when I get out and can see you all again. Expect another letter next year! Love you,

Wilbur Soot