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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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"Then the wilderness it is!"



     "Yes ma'am."

That settled, Deskyl gives the battle droid a considering look for a moment, but opts to get a datapad and start going through the download from Ocnem's ship.


They're quickly-enough several days' travel (on foot) from civilization, and out go the Sith flunkies, at which point Diana is going to tell R4 to head for orbit and finally stop wearing the serious-business mask and give Deskyl a hug.  ...If Deskyl wants a hug.  "You did a brave thing.  You did many brave things.  And now that - that - is in the grave, where he can no longer hurt you."


Deskyl leans into the hug a bit, though she's still very tense.

    "She says she thinks you need to go secure Lord Ocnem's other ship next, ma'am; look."

Deskyl flips back to another page on the datapad and hands it over: it's a report to Pritruth about the machine he's built to focus a modified version of the battle meditation technique to produce larger-scale and wider-ranging Force effects, things like earthquakes and firestorms, with a second person to buffer the user against the full effects of wielding that much of the Force at once. Apparently the buffer usually dies of this, and has to be selected carefully to survive long enough to be useful at all; there are instructions for how to test slaves for suitability for it.


"...Definitely not letting them keep that, no, Force preserve...Where even did he leave it, though?"


She takes the datapad back to pull up the coordinates and hailing codes for the other ship.


Then that's where they'll set a course to, next.


It'll take a couple of days to get there, and a couple more days after they're done to reach Pritruth's base.

Deskyl reads through Ocnem's data for a little while longer, huddled pensively against Diana, and then puts the datapad down and tells the battle droid to come with her into the cargo hold.


Diana is somewhat concerned by this!  And she wants to keep being present for Deskyl, so after securing the datapad, she follows Deskyl down there.


She gives Diana a bit of a look, but proceeds to ignore her presence in favor of having DZ ask him if he knows where his restraining bolt is located, and, when he doesn't, confirming that he has one and having him settle himself on the deck so that she can open him up and look for it.

She's not anywhere near Diana's skill level with this particular task, but competent enough, and it does seem to be improving her mood a little.


"...Would you like help with that, or -" is doing it yourself important, she doesn't say.  "You can use the workshop."


'Would you like help with that' gets Diana a gentle growl; there's not any real heat in it, and Deskyl doesn't look up from what she's doing, though she does sign briefly.

    "She says she's fine, ma'am."


"I figured that was going to be your answer; still kind of had to ask anyway just in case. think the workshop is better set up for doing surgery on a droid, though?  And it's not like it's locked.  But I can leave you to it, if you would prefer I do that."


Deskyl's growl is somewhat more emphatic this time.

    "I suspect it would be best for you to leave Lord Pradnakt alone now, ma'am."


Diana was planning on that, yes.  She can go do...something else, probsbly.  Read - no, that's a horrible idea, she's not reading the torture datapad.  Maybe something else Ocnem had.  She doesn't really get a lot of new reading material all that often, that sort of thing's traceable especially if it has to route through Sith hypercomm buoys ever, and she really shouldn't be traceable.

...hey Force, any ideas here?


There is something else on that datapad that she might want to read, unrelated to Ocnem.


Anything, Force, that wouldn't be an invasion of Deskyl's...privacy-slash-space, she supposes?  She's not doing that unless the Force thinks it's urgently necessary.  Not with how Deskyl is feeling right now, especially.


Also she does need to talk about names with someone at some point.  She had thought that Pradnakt was an assumed identity but now DZ's still using that, so - is the person in her cargo hold Pradnakt, now?  She'll operate on that assumption, until Des- Pradnakt is less, growly about things, she supposes...


(It's not urgent, no.)


Then she'll just...wait, and meditate a bit.  It's a habit she got into doing after these things, to ensure her personality doesn't get bent out of shape.  The masks she wears when she's doing these things, even for the short periods she ususlly needs to, can sometimes be rather bad to forget she's wearing.

She thinks she's still aligned with her longer term goals, at the very least; she acted to prevent and reduce suffering, even if that was by threat thereof, and it was the minimum necessary, even if she felt awful then.  Or perhaps because she felt awful then.  Threats like shouldn't be comfortable with them.  Even if they're true.

She's honestly less sure about what happened with Lord Ocrem...but she's very sure that there was no way she could reasonably have changed it.  And...Deskyl was the wronged party, in addition to having previously known the perpetrator in a professional context.  If anyone could possibly have been equipped to make that judgement call correctly, short of the unbound Force, it would be her.

Dumping the two Sith in the wilderness is - pretty normal, and maybe that should concern her, actually.  She doesn't think there's anything she could've done, though, short of also killing them, and that wouldn't do.  Not now, not ever.  They were unconscious.  You just do not summarily kill someone who's not a threat to existence.

That's all she has to think about, as of yet.


Deskyl is still in the cargo bay working on the droid when Diana finishes her meditation; she feels a little calmer, though.


Then Diana will finish getting most of her armor off, and poke her head in.  And perhaps bring down lunch.


She's finishing up putting the droid back together when Diana pokes her head in, and done by the time she gets back with lunch.

    "Did you want to eat in the galley, she says, ma'am?"


"Was figuring that you might still be working right now, so I prepared otherwise, but yes, I would prefer the option of having a table."  How's Deskyl feel about seeing a self-deprecating wry grin as Diana leans on the wall?


She ducks her head and grins back, just for a moment, and when she looks up again her shoulders have come down from her ears considerably. She reaches for one of the plates Diana's holding, and then takes the hand this frees up in her free one.


This causes Blushy Diana to make a reappearance as she heads back up to where the real table is!


"You feeling a bit better, then?  You seemed...pretty stressed out, for a little while there.  Well.  For this whole thing, I suppose.  Can't really blame you; goodness knows I'd hardly be - even coherent - if I had to - ...interact with him after him hurting me in the sort of ways I rather suspect he hurt you."

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