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Equilibrium!Jay gets dropped on Sith Dusk
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Getting there, and - yup, breakfast. Pradnakt brings it over, setting it down by hand now that Rhoda seems more comfortable with her proximity.


Thank you, Rhoda sends, already tucking in. S'good.


Good. Nom nom.


Nom nom. Rhoda will watch carefully, and take the dishes to do. (Pradnakt cooked, only fair that Rhoda does the dishes.)


Yeah, all right. While Rhoda's doing that, she gathers the things they'll need for a hike in the heat.


She hums the same passage of music she was humming yesterday while she does the dishes, and once they're done, goes to ask if Pradnakt wants any help.


She's going through a box in the back room. Nope, one second - ah, here we go. She stands, holding a bundle of white fabric. Light-colored stuff reflects the sun and keeps you cooler. She drapes the cloth over her arms and shoulders demonstratively, and then passes it to her.


Thank you. She takes it and tries to copy what Pradnakt just did, but manages to get a bit tangled in the material, not used to handling something that required draping. (And Pradnakt's cloak didn't count.)


- hold still, I'll get it.


She does. She's not quite sure whether this is humiliating or giggle-inducing. There's something weirdly amusing about managing to get herself tangled up.


Dusk is very polite about it and doesn't laugh at her even a little bit. There you go.


In which case, Rhoda will in fact giggle quietly when she's detangled. Before managing to get more control of herself. Thank you.


That, she grins at. You're welcome.

Next, canteens, and an extra water-carrying bag. Do you want to fill these up while I pack the other stuff?


She looks at them, and then nods. I can do that, she agrees happily.


She passes them over. The bag will be heavy, you can just leave it in the sink and I'll get it on the way out.


She nods and goes to fill them. She tries to lift the bag out of pure curiosity, but does then leave it in the sink. Is heavy, yes.


Mmhmm. That always surprises people who haven't needed to haul water.

She's got something long and thin strapped to her back, sticking out over her shoulder and just above her hip where it won't restrict her movements, and a smaller bag hanging from one shoulder. All ready?


She nods eagerly. Hesitates. Do you need- Would you like me to help carry anything?


You should take one of the canteens; I'm fine with the rest. She clips the other canteen to her belt and settles the water bag at her other hip.


She takes the other canteen, and nods, and moves towards the door. (Her excitement probably continues to be obvious.)


Pradnakt leads the way, at a comfortable pace; the trail is fairly obvious, if a bit overgrown. After half an hour or so, they reach the first sculpture: a wire structure half again as tall as she is, shaped like a bolt of lightning but filling out into more of a ball of static for the bottom third.


Rhoda makes a quiet sound of awe, and takes a few steps towards it, smiling.


Go ahead, it's not fragile.


She moves forward, tracing her hands over the wire structure as far as she can touch. It reminds her some of the wiring systems that had fed energy through the ship. Except much prettier and more intricate.


Aw. Sith can make lightning. It's one of the harder things to do, especially the fancy kinds; it takes a lot of control, of yourself and the Force both. I spent a lot of time practicing that, when I first got here.

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