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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Onward. They might need to go through here again if Arueshalae turns out to be someone they already looked at (she's memorizing the appearances of all the prisoners as they go), but the farther they can get without going into grab-and-run mode the better.


Having something blocking their retreat would have made Seelah nervous a week ago, but at some point in the last few days she lost the ability to feel fear. She still wants to avoid setting off an alarm and getting swarmed by demons, but the prospect doesn't nag at her mind.


Brenda, on the other hand, totally is nervous. She's already discovered one mistake, so she probably made more.


There are three people visible in the prison cells; all of them look vaguely human, but each is clearly not. The first is incredibly short, though not proportioned like a child, and is the least fantastical looking of the lot. The second is purely human from the neck down, but has the head and wings of a fly - even imprisoned, they appear the epitome of dignity. The third could almost pass for a tiefling if it weren't for the wings on their back - a succubus, of the sort Brenda has seen several of these last few days.


Could the short one be the crusader, maybe? She examines their clothes and general affect and whether/how they're looking at the other two.


None of the three of them have much in the way of clothing, just variously tattered rags. Through holes in the short woman's fabric, a number of healed over scars are visible, and on her shoulder are a few that haven't stopped bleeding yet; her gaunt frame bears the marks of once being heavily muscled, and her gaze is distant.


Seelah floats over and whispers, "The halfling doesn't read evil. Neither does the succubus but she could be hiding it."


Ramien nods, unnecessary as it is due to being invisible, casts a spell of his own.

"The Succubus is also showing up as a Desnan. Either this is Arueshalae or this mission is a trap."


Wow, Seelah might have just solved the entire problem. She can't actually smile as a vapor, but it shows in her voice. "Great. How about we knock out the bug guy and reveal ourselves to the other two?"


There's not really a perfectly reliable way for a low level party to knock out a demon like a Coloxus without raising an alarm, but a witch's slumber is one of the better options. Ember puts him to sleep so he doesn't have to get hurt.


And Ramien relaxes, dismissing his preparations to cast wall of stone. 

"Now we just need to let them out and get out of here."


Brenda returns to human-with-extras form and smiles encouragingly at the two conscious prisoners. "Hello! This is a jailbreak, we're getting you out of here. You're Arueshalae, right?"


“You’re actually here? I thought I - blueberry pie.”


"Yes, I'm here. With friends. We're going to get both of you out. Let me see if I can get this door open quietly before I do it the loud way."


She examines the door lock; it proves to be both relatively sophisticated and magically reinforced. 

"Yeah, no, even if I could figure this out it would take too long," she mutters, and turns to address the air behind her. "Anyone got a clever idea or shall I try ripping the doors off?"


“I could try and dispel one of them, but that would still leave a second door.”


"I think the less time between the first loud noise and when we can all be out of here, the better."


Ramien casts his first spell, and the magic reinforcing the lock collapses. A second spell sees her lockpicking skills improve.

”Hopefully that and the Heroism are enough, then.”


There's still a bunch of fiddling around poking things with Mage Hand, her dragon claws, and her regular fingers until she gets lucky, but eventually the lock pops open.

"Alright. I'm going to start on the other one; everyone get ready for guards to start showing up." 


Arueshalae exits her cell, still half disbelieving. Without her bow, there's only so much she can do to help in case of an attack, but her touch is still deadly; perhaps it will prove better than nothing.


Brenda turns her hands to dragon claws again and starts tearing at the halfling's door with sounds of creaking metal and cracking wood. In about twelve seconds she'll have both the lock and the hinges sufficiently fucked up that she can pull it out of the frame.


The prisoner in the cell starts at the sound, her eyes seeming to register their arrival for the first time. 

"Who - who are you? Inheritor, please-"


Seelah starts materialising so she can be visibly a paladin. "We're here to rescue you. You're going to be alright."


The woman detects evil, and when it doesn't get a response from any of them breaks down sobbing. 

"Please. Please. Please..."

When the doors go down in a screech of tortured metal, she starts crawling towards them.


Brenda picks the crusader up, ever so gently. "We're going to get you out, hang on, we'll be safe in Kenabres in a minute."

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