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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Seelah finishes materializing and does a Lay on Hands, then leads the way back towards the edge of the dimension lock.


Just as they cross the boundary of the alarm and it begins shrieking loudly, a wall on the opposite end of the high security wing slides aside and a trio of glaive-wielding minotaurs charge out.


Into another wall, this one made of solid stone!

"Quickly, into the bag. Three people outside at the most, and our rescuees aren't prepared for this."


If Brenda gets herself and the halfling woman into the bag that's two in the bag already, and being fast is more important than having her out to help hold the guards off. In they get.


Wenduag and Ember are still gaseous, so it's easy to go in alongside Brenda without wasting any more time.


And then Ramien can grab hold of Seelah, Arueshalae, and Nenio to teleport them to Kenabres just as the wall of stone collapses.

"Well. It didn't entirely go according to plan, but I'm still prepared to call that a resounding success. Next prison break I go on I'll have to remember to bring more dispels."


"I should have gotten descriptions of what everyone looked like," says Brenda as she exits the bag and sets the halfling woman on her feet. "But we all got out and nobody got injured--additionally injured--so yeah, I think that's a win." The sudden rush of adrenaline that didn't get used is threatening to make her wobbly.

"So, uh, where do you two want to go now?" 


"I'm not sure - I didn't expect to get free after being captured like that. Now that my cover is blown, I can't really spy on any of the important demonic generals any more, but everyone in Mendev has good reason not to trust a demon, to say nothing of Lastwall or Cheliax."


Seeing the sun seems to have sparked a new set of tears from the halfling Paladin. 

"I... I think I would like to go to a real temple again, and pray."


"Of course. I can take you to the temple of Iomedae, or Desna or Torag. And Arueshalae, I'm not sure where would be a good place for you to--build a new life--but if you want to stick with me for a while I can straighten out anyone who thinks you're bad news." Ramien is probably about to offer her a bed at his temple, but there's no harm in giving her multiple options.


"You would also be welcome in Desna's temple, sister. You wouldn't be the first person we had to hide from the Prelate."


"I may have turned my back on the Abyss, but I am still a demon - I can't cross the wardstones. Is the temple not on the other side of the line?"


"Hmm. That does make things harder. I expect we could route around it by going through Elysium, but I only prepared the one plane shift today. Maybe we should just find a place for you for the rest of today, and then tomorrow I get you to the temple? Or somewhere else, if you want - there's a whole world out there, and some parts of it are less likely to be hostile to a reformed succubus."


Arueshalae looks a little lost at the thought of going elsewhere.

"Thank you, truly - that means a lot to me that you would offer that. But my place is here, at the worldwound - it's the only way I'll ever be able to undo even part of the harm I caused. I suppose I should disguise myself, then. With my wings hidden, do you think I could pass for a tiefling?"


"In my experience one can just go around looking any old way and people will put up with it, but I haven't met enough tieflings to know, really. And my impression is that tieflings get some amount of crap from everyone too." She double-shrugs illustratively. "It's good of you to want to stay here and help."


(Seelah thinks there really ought to be a solution to this situation that doesn't involve lying but she can't come up with one good enough to feel okay recommending it.)


"I don't have a problem with being judged; they would even be right to in my case. I just don't want to be in a position where I have to hurt someone or run away."

Her wings fold up under her tattered clothes a little roughly, but it's at least less obvious that she has them. 


"Curious. Succubi are well known for being able to take on alternate shapes. Is there a reason you aren't employing that?"


"Yes. It's one of the things I lost when Desna helped me leave the abyss behind. I do not miss it, though; all I ever did with it was trick people to hurt them."


It's too bad she can't do Dragon Fairy Elf Witch backwards.

"Would you like new clothes? Either of you. I can make clothes with magic; I could do something that would hide the wings."


"Yes. Please."

Her voice is still cracking from disuse, but she's stopped sobbing, and her body language is starting to untense as it becomes apparent she might actually be out.


"If you would. Something blue, maybe?"

Clothing has always been one of the things the Abyss has most lacked compared to Golarion; someone as wealthy as Arueshalae used to be would never lack for them, but the change from how everyone on Golarion has clothes of their own was one of the bigger shocks for new people arriving in Alushinrya. She had thought that they were still mostly made by hand, though; perhaps her rescuers simply had unusual magic, like they would need to break into Drezen anyway.


"Alright. Just a minute, please." She scoots behind the nearest building and returns with a multilayered set of blue robes in Arueshalae's size structured to hide her wings, and a nice undamaged version of the paladin's outfit in soft but durable fabric. And a folding screen thingy they can hide behind to change.


Then they can both get changed in private, and the paladin set off for the temple of Iomedae.


Arueshalae hangs around a bit longer in case anyone has more questions now that she's not limited to sendings, but otherwise she'll go look for a place to stay. Ideally somewhere she can avoid drawing suspicion for not needing to sleep and, if she's incredibly lucky, perhaps finally dream.

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