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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Wait, I thought you were Strength domain.


Strength domain, Ferocity subdomain. 


So where are you getting Adoration from?


Clerics get two domains, generally?


And your other domain is Travel.


But Cayden Cailean grants Travel.

He's one of the gods that grants Travel.

Not all of the gods grant access to the Travel domain, but Cayden Cailean is one of the ones that do.

Cayden grants Travel.


He does, but I didn't take it. I took Strength (Ferocity) and Charm (Love).


But then how do you have a 30 foot move in medium armor?


Altronus, The Most High Arch Megapope of Korvosa (Primate of Varisia) was tasked with tending to a shrine in the heart of a Lawful city, when in the dead of night a mage's decree rudely woke him.




I think you killed him, Barry. I think he's dead.


That's got to be worth a level.


I am going to ask you a question, Barry.

And I promise I will not be angry.

But I want you to honestly answer this question.


It would delight me, old chum, to satisfy your curiosity.


What was going through your mind when you chose, as your two domains, Strength (Ferocity) and Charm.


What was your logic.


Olin Mull is a lover and a fighter.




Valdur Bromathan: 1d20+0 = 4

• The twin-engine private pilot, upon suffering a partial engine malfunction, instantly shuts down one engine and feathers its propeller (turning the blades to minimize wind resistance), just as he was trained. He then struggles valiantly to reach the nearby runway, even as the plane makes a slow spiral turn into the ground. After the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determines he shut down and feathered the propeller of the engine that was still functioning perfectly.

• A single-engine pilot, flying solo, is distracted by a terrifying banging sound. She investigates the noise, while forgetting the most important rule: "First, fly the plane." Her aircraft makes a smooth downward glide directly into a backyard barbecue party. The NTSB later discovers that the passenger door of the aircraft had been closed with the metal end of the unused passenger seat belt on the outside of the plane. The wind was whipping the buckle benignly against the sturdy metal side of the plane. 

• A computer-software test subject spends the first seven minutes of the test, rather than carrying out the task she’s been asked to perform, slowly massaging the top of her mouse with her index finger. Later, she reports that her mouse at home has a ball in the top. 

• A US President, informed that his nation is under attack, spends an equal number of minutes staring at his hands, listening to a Kindergarden teacher tell a story. Later, he reports he was afraid the children would be frightened if he left the room suddenly. 

All of the people in these real events were perfectly normal. Their actions were neither “crazy,” nor “stupid,” nor “cowardly,” nor any of the other labels people who have never experienced this phenomenon love to heap upon those who do. Their actions were the simple and predictable result of panic, a perfectly normal human reaction.

- Panic! How it Works and What To Do About It, Bruce Tognazzini


"Up you get, sir."

It's a very good thing he has Carlos Bevery looking after him, because Lord Valdur Bromathan's Plan A was going to be hiding under the table, and "hiding under the table" confers no special proof against swarming arachnids.


Sebastia Jeggare: 1d20+1 = 3

Sebastia Jeggare is a cleric of Abadar, a Guard Chaplain, and maybe also Head of House Jeggare - certainly the acting Head of House Jeggare.

She hopes that this won't prove to be a conflict of interest.

The church of Abadar estimates that House Jeggare owns nearly a quarter of the privately held assets in Korvosa. Of the Great Houses, it is only arguably second to House Ornelos, and it didn't get there through nothing but Abadaran dealing.

Identity is complicated. When she was one Jeggare of many, Sebastia differentiated herself as maybe a standard deviation more Abadaran, and by a corresponding deviation less... Jeggare.

(She doesn't have a better word for it, but the one I'd use is "Orzhov.")

But there are fewer Jeggares than there were yesterday. There's a pressure on her to pick up the slack. She doesn't want to be the a weak link in the chain that fritters away her inheritance. 

And it's not like Abadarism and Jeggarism are all that opposed, anyway.

House Jeggare dislikes Ileosa. For, uh, all the obvious reasons and then also for

Lands on the surface will be divided among you. If your landlord was eaten by a shadow, the home you are accustomed to living in will be awarded you and subtracted from your demesne. I think it would be a black mark of shame on the Crimson Throne if any veteran of the Vault survived the shadows and went back to renting.

and then also for some My Dead Relatives Owned The Property Which You Plan To Appropriate reasons.


Salgar Irevotnin is limp in his chair, even after Zenderholm's channel.

Magical healing heals nonlethal damage and lethal damage at the same time, so against someone who was knocked unconscious by unarmed strikes, it should be even more effective. 

If Irevotnin is limp in his chair, it either means that he's dead, or, more likely, that the Channel rolled unluckily low, but a little more healing should hopefully do the trick.

(Unlike Altronus, Sebastia Jeggare doesn't know the results of the 5d6.)

The Guard Chaplain moves up to Irevotnin and casts cure light wounds on him, restoring 1d8+1 = 4 damage.

That's something like an eighth of the wizard's total hitpoints. It'd be enough to restore many humanoid (human)s to full health from 0 hp. Hopefully it's enough to get him back on his feet and casting.


Qualins Rachmirol: 1d20+1 = 2

Qualins Rachmirol is an adventurer, and a skilled one.

Adventurers like her don't own houses. They don't have servants. They try very very hard not to pay taxes. Adventurers tend to carry a rather significant fraction of their net worth on their person in the form of weapons and magic items. When choosing how to spend their marginal 2000gp, "equip an entire Watch Patrol with masterwork weapons" doesn't exist as an option to compare with "buy a +1 weapon because I deserve nice things."

(Instead the options to weigh look more like "enchant my armor and my shield with +1 enhancement bonuses for 1000 gp each, increasing my AC by 2 and decreasing my chance of taking any damage from an attack by ten percentage points, or enchant my weapon with +1, which increases my chance of hitting with an attack by (checks math, takes note that (comparatively) cheap 300gp masterwork weapons already give an enhancement bonus to hit and that enhancement bonuses don't stack...) precisely fuck all. And increases my damage per hit by 1. Just... increases it by one single point of damage." (No one ever buys a +1 weapon for 2000gp, they wait until they have 8000 saved and buy a +2 or equivalent. For rare emergencies where they desperately need to bypass DR magic or affect an incorporeal creature, they use a 50gp oil of magic weapon.))

Vault Colonel Qualins Rachmirol is neither the richest person in the room, nor the highest level. 

But after Togomor (himself a solo operator), she probably is carrying the most magic swag.

Whichever side of the fight she joins will gain substantially thereby. 

Rachmirol isn't a complete outsider to the City of Korvosa. But it's not where she was born or grew up. She's fond of the Korvosan Guard in general and Cressida Kroft in particular, both of whom take pains to treat adventurers right. If it were clear to her who knocked the Field Marshall down, that'd be the person she'd jump.

But it isn't clear, so she'll draw a magic sword and move to support Queen Ileosa and her little group of defenders. 

Call it chivalry.

Ileosa called her pretty, so now she has to return the favor by keeping her from harm. Besides, (the Vault Colonel feels) the Queen's done a pretty good job so far. She seems to have her head on straight when she isn't flailingly trying to defend herself from one of her enemies.

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