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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Corbastia Lettice: 1d20+0 = 1

Corbastia Lettice does not have a Carlos Bevery in her life.

She crawls under the table.


Where Group Red is a loose coalition of [imperialists, authoritarians, traditionalists, the people who think they stand to gain from Toff Ornelos's preferred policies, people who are mostly just looking for a fight]

Where Group Blue is a loose coalition of [imperialists, traditionalists, reformers, people who think they stand to gain from Ileosa and Glorio's preferred policies, and people who are mostly just looking for a fight]

Group Yellow is a loose coalition of people who are mostly just looking for a fight.


I object to this characterization. 

Group Yellow is, like any other, a loose coalition of imperialists, authoritarians, liberals, traditionalists, people who think they stand to gain from one set of policies or another, and very angry people who have nothing left to lose.

Group Yellow has a very simple collection small asks, just little things to take the edge off the very worst day of their lives.


Well, I'll hear them out, but I'm not making any promises.


The diabolist who murdered our King? We'd like to parade her corpse through the Vault.


Hm. The Field Marshall's in no condition to stop you and for my own part I'm inclined to call that reasonable.

Are there any complications? 


The nobles and fat cats? Preferably they'd fall in line or go the same way.


Hmmm, that'd be tricky to arrange. Realistically, you're only going to get one of those or other.


No, I think we can swing it. We kill Ileosa first and then side with Arkona against Ornelos.


Wouldn't this leave you with, uh, no eighth-circle wizard to cast the spells you need?


We haven't thought that far ahead, but I'm sure we'll figure something out.

Maybe we'll pay off Togomor, or let Toff call himself King if he answers to a House of Commons and promises to cast the spells we want him to.

Or we could hire a wizard through the Pathfinder's Bag of Holding.

Or maybe after a few rounds to think (not all Korvosans can do it so implausibly fast) we'll swap to Blue or Red and play kingmaker. 

We've got options, I'm saying. Lots of options.

And success and glory are proverbially in the advance.


Korvosa Group Initiative Yellow: 1d20+0 = 1


"What's your life worth, Queen's Dog?!" cries Nandu Oprea. "Quarrel, I'll back you," he tells Timotei Zindelo. Zindelo rushes forward, taking a penalty to hit for a bonus to his AC, to better withstand the combined powers of Jope Chantsmo and Brie Endrin. He is all the same pierced through, a wound which no Channeled Energy will mend. Strabo Salonicus cuts Jope as he moves to flank him (provoking an AoO). For the space of a moment it seems Chantsmo and Endrin can take all comers; but Nandu's subtle Sneak Attack introduces the married man to the mage's magnificent bloodstained floor. The two turn their attention to Brie Endrin. 


The false Seneschal is trying to hide beneath the table. Tudino Damasippus catches her by the leg and drags her back out.


"Interrupt that spell! He's a bleeder!" shouts a wizard who'd know.

So Habino Remor (some kinds of heroes are lunkheads like me, who only do what they're told), second level warrior with 3d6 = 14 Con and 2d10+4 = 15 hp, charges Togomor in an attempt to interrupt it.

Much like the Primate of Varisia, he didn't sleep in armor and isn't wearing any. 


1d20+7 = 25     1d8+6 = 13

1d20+7 = 13     1d8+6 = 14


That'll stop him in his tracks.


The bulk of Initiative Group Yellow, though, are going after Queen Ileosa.

She's protected by a giggly Group Blue-er, a 10th-level Fighter, and an 8th-level Cavalier.

Their highest-level character is 5th-level. 


It'll be a slaughter, but it might tie Rachmirol and Merrin down for a round or three. 


Portenus Gaskelinni: 1d20-4 = 1 

If old one-armed Gaskelinni isn't Experienced, he is at least experienced.

An Experienced fighter like Sabina Merrin or Cressida Kroft would cut a swath through a horde of foemen and do so with style.

An experienced warrior would instead move to the fallen Field Marshall to see if there's something he can do to help get her on her feet.

"She keeps smelling salts in her Bag of Holding!" he barks at the useless new-meat wizards.


And thus pass six seconds in Korvosa.


Round 2

Apparently unwilling to share his table with a pontificating Arbiter Glorio Arkona wrestles Zenobia Zenderholm for her holy symbol

And Maralictor Briasus climbs atop the table which creaks beneath his armored weight and others follow behind him and others behind them and Lord Arkona's goons rain force and lightning on them all -


Sabina Merrin's keen falchion dehusks three red and white and slick-shining men 

And Ileosa is scared and sick and has never in her life seen anything so phenomenal and wishes she had a better view and she sings a magic martial melody and when breathing deeply to project her voice the bodies smell to her like food and vampires must have so much fun


Maganrad Hestrigsen starts to cast a solid fog and remembers that he prepared anti-shadow spells instead except the Enchantment spells that are his specialty so he throws a suggestion at Glorio Arkona who makes the save and the roustabout from earlier gets him again and takes him to the ground -


Altronus and the Megapope are both engaged in melee and the Pope has Adoration and Altronus 20+ AC somehow but both are cut and there are three people and Altronus and can't get out of melee to fire his weapon or at least not if he wants to full attack but can get a flank if the Pope also repositions and Altronus melts one attacker with three spiked gauntlets and a pistol to whip but they both took damage here and non-Choryon characters are fragile at level three -


And Lyvina Mayyad moves to color spray Ileosa's attackers before more of them die because you're blowing right past their negative hitpoint buffers you're killing them stop killing people please

And the wizard or possibly the sorcerer who summoned the swarm earlier casts scorching ray on her from across the room and one hazard of pairing d6 hitdice with 11 CON is that 4d6 fire damage will blow right through them and leave you bleeding out at minus four -


And the hazard of pairing 3d6 = 7 hitdice with 3d6 = 13 Con is that Hasagi Choryon deals 1d8+6 = 14 points of damage but Lyvina needs the Pope's ministrations more -


And Corbastia Lettice screams and kicks and is dragged out from beneath the table and ("I've got the False Seneschal!") knelt on by a man trying to figure out what he ought to do now

And Ileosa tells Sabina that she needs to help Corbastia and Rachmirol says she's on it and they should both sit tight -


And nearly half a dozen other brawls rage besides -


And Oriana Delmore rolls a natural 2 for her Fortitude and takes another point of strength damage -


Archbishop Ornher Reebs casts vision of Hell and a fifty-foot radius is as large as a ten-foot is small so it fills nearly all of the conference room and the Archbishop cries that the worst torments of Hell await every one of them who spills Korvosan blood in its hour of pressing need -


And Togomor has to make a concentration check against DC 23 or lose the spell he's working on but that's fine he makes that even though he rolls a 7 and he summons 1d3 = 3 babaus

and instructs one in Abyssal to dispel the glitterdust which vexes him

and another flanks with Tauk Par and KO's Rem Ornelos with its claws

and the third sticks Toff's man Irevotnin with its spear 

and with that nuisance and that threat both made unconscious, Togomor floats invisibly from his chair to the door

drawing as he does a pouch of plundered dust

which he spreads across the doorway as an early warning against Toff Ornelos's invisible and mind blanked return

and his familiar Pudgy Knuckles has turned itself invisible and retaken its true impish form

and the imp procures a staff of its master's design

containing deadly spells and subtle ones -


And one-armed Gaskelinni shoves Cressida Kroft's Bag of Holding into first-circle Spellmaster Bromathan because it'd be faster for a man with two arms to go through Kroft's bag of holding for her spirit of hartshorn and wave it under her nose which gives her a new saving throw to resist one effect which has her unconscious or staggered and 1d20+14 = 33 her eyes flutter open and she groans long and low -


Round 3

Reebs' words and vision of Hell proves effective at dissuading some from the fighting -


And Ileosa takes Rachmirol's vacant place defending their little corner of the room but it looks like no one who saved against Lyvina's color spray cares to run headlong into Sabina's falchion and that's a relief but also kind of disappointing -


Master Norva Allesain (Dean of Divination) is no longer stunned and picks herself off the ground and decides that dimension dooring into the next room over is what's tactically indicated

And wouldn't you know it but Master Julaei Cangi had the same idea

(Neither of them know it, though; they don't have see invisibility) -


And Pathfinder Savant Aram Zey is, if unusually sensible for someone who's gotten in enough trouble to make 6th-circle, at the end of the day still an adventurer, and he's going to boldly venture nearer those miraculously created or teleported resolute horses and huh that's interesting why are they wearing saddlebags -


And other brawls still rage, some of them uncomfortably close to the teeming mass of spiders -


And Glorio Arkona has hold of Zenobia Zenderholm's holy symbol and silver is a soft metal and he has 18 strength so he distorts the market with his bare hands and separates the supply curve from the demand 

And casts both halves away

(Something something insert joke about price floors)

And it's only been eighteen seconds for him and I wouldn't say that he's gotten a hold of himself exactly but he is wondering how he managed to get himself into this mess and how he's going to get himself out of it and he glances about the room and remember how he has detect thoughts up and

Lyvina Mayyad is thinking ten miles a minute while unconscious bleeding out and that is flatly not how anything works what


(Altronus and Choryon failed their saves as well.)


There's no point in your running over here if you take two AoOs and go down, I've still got seven rounds of bleeding left,


If I don't at least stabilize you now who knows when I'll get the chance, something always comes up,

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